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50 village idiots

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    Many of the farming neighbours I like to talk to are "price pickers" rather than "price takers". Selling grain at or near the top of trading ranges gives that extra percentage that over years accumulates more wealth.

    Wealth for farmers and the CWB could never, would never coexist.



      I Was Talkin To PrairieGuy, Assumed He Was Talkin 2Me, If He Wasn't Disregard What I Said!!!!!!! And Thank You jwab, Appreciate It!!!!!!!!!





          Any farmer who locked in a good price with canola over the last few decades can certainly do it with wht. too


            Wheat is delivered and cheques cashed. Did I hit the market high -hell no. Did I get gouged by line company - don't care. Did I make a profit on wheat - yes

            That's my point


              If you were the guy who's done nothing but panic sell at the lows because you can't understand the real world you might want the CWB back... Then again you'd deserve what you get


                Willy you make me laugh. For some reason the value I received under the old CWB was pitiful even with the " residual value".

                There are only a small number potash marketing entities in the world and even they aren't price setters.



                  Cant argue with bto at all.
                  But Willy either grew nothing but wheat or grew mostly the other crops that took off out of the board.
                  Either way, take your gouging by the board after they took their gouging in the world or eliminate one extra gouging.
                  Your still competing in the world. And bureaucrats can never run a 3 legged race properly.
                  Honest to Pete, I cant fathom the people who can remember not being allowed to transport ANY grain interprovincially without a _ _ _ permit; looking at the flow of goods today and wanting to go back. Jeezus I just cant under***stand!
                  Can anybody help me figure out where the hell these people are coming from??
                  My God how long will this go on???
                  Do they still want to fine or jail me if I have to go out of province for seed? Do I still have to pay the Commissar so he can distribute it among peasants???
                  Come on,, explain to me why I have 6 major facilitys within 30 miles of me, 2 built post apocopalypse, the majority grain not HRS wheat????
                  The world will beg for our HRS?????
                  The world trades the cbot but its phony and everyone is being fooled!!!! And yet you put your money in a bank???
                  Can anyone tell me why this debate is still going on??? Must a socialist/communist mistrust everything to survive, because to recognize any***thing else would be to admit he might just maybe be partly wrong?
                  Why does your state have to try to make us all completely equal when God cant even do that????
                  Were you all lawyers in a previous life?? or are you still?
                  Bet nobody has an answer.


                    made a single desk comment in malt feed spread thread got that from a buyer in china


                      Love thy neighbor as yourself
                      Unless he/she got more for their wheat than your did, then call for the reinstatement of low and equal initial, interim, interim 2, almost final, and finally payment for all. That system seems like a lifetime ago, and no compelling reason to even think it has a place today.
                      Lots of good comments on this thread.
                      Fortunately our drama teacher is too busy spending to bother with western Canada let alone 50 fringe thinking western farrmers.


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