$7.62mill price from CWB
$6.67mill price from OWB
$6.26mill price cash from Ont farmer
$6.26cash price for Ont farmer
$5.66cash price from OWB for farmer
$4.63final price for DA farmer
* #2 13.5% protein for an Ontario inland miller. March 7, 2003 close.
You do the math. Domestic miller is overcharged and DA farmer is underpaid.
Free wheat in the west
$7.62mill price from CWB
$6.67mill price from OWB
$6.26mill price cash from Ont farmer
$6.26cash price for Ont farmer
$5.66cash price from OWB for farmer
$4.63final price for DA farmer
* #2 13.5% protein for an Ontario inland miller. March 7, 2003 close.
You do the math. Domestic miller is overcharged and DA farmer is underpaid.
Free wheat in the west