You do realize that if the Boundary Dam Carbon capture project is not sucessful then Boundary Dam (and all the coal mining) is finished for good.
Use the phase out of that same coal that used to be shipped right by your door to Ontario as a reminder to self. And the Alberta example where in two decades all coal fired electrical generation is to be completely phased out.
Now in the words of the "owner" of the Derrick Motor Inn (Estevan); not much is going on in Estevan today.. Any imagination at all and you would call Estevan a ghost town if Boundary Dam is phased out....and it will be if some way to make carbon capture work isn't found soon.
And don't forget the impact on the provinces electrical supply. And your own if you notice. And I should have included the relatively new Shand power station at Estevan. But I suspect smart asses already will have missed connecting those dots
And just who except SaskPower supplies every last kilowatt hour for most of this province; so who else is going to foot the bill in any scenario that has gained critical mass to bring non renewable CO2 emissions down comparable to what wind and solar are wrongly assumed to be zero level.
Its becoming evident that the promoters haven't even begun to think this through.
Were're all in deep shit on this carbon initiative nonsense.
Maybe some just don't want to pay their share of "cleaning up" coal fired generation in Sask.
That makes it totally consistant with expecting free lunches for themselves and doing everything possible to see that everyone else pays the whole bill.
I will reread the previous post; and if it still says what this response pertains to...then I give up on "reasoning" with Quebec and BC's stance on pipelines and those who attempt to promote what is easily fed to the general populace who seems to have an appetite anything that creates a warm, fuzzy safe, pleasureable feeling.
Use the phase out of that same coal that used to be shipped right by your door to Ontario as a reminder to self. And the Alberta example where in two decades all coal fired electrical generation is to be completely phased out.
Now in the words of the "owner" of the Derrick Motor Inn (Estevan); not much is going on in Estevan today.. Any imagination at all and you would call Estevan a ghost town if Boundary Dam is phased out....and it will be if some way to make carbon capture work isn't found soon.
And don't forget the impact on the provinces electrical supply. And your own if you notice. And I should have included the relatively new Shand power station at Estevan. But I suspect smart asses already will have missed connecting those dots
And just who except SaskPower supplies every last kilowatt hour for most of this province; so who else is going to foot the bill in any scenario that has gained critical mass to bring non renewable CO2 emissions down comparable to what wind and solar are wrongly assumed to be zero level.
Its becoming evident that the promoters haven't even begun to think this through.
Were're all in deep shit on this carbon initiative nonsense.
Maybe some just don't want to pay their share of "cleaning up" coal fired generation in Sask.
That makes it totally consistant with expecting free lunches for themselves and doing everything possible to see that everyone else pays the whole bill.
I will reread the previous post; and if it still says what this response pertains to...then I give up on "reasoning" with Quebec and BC's stance on pipelines and those who attempt to promote what is easily fed to the general populace who seems to have an appetite anything that creates a warm, fuzzy safe, pleasureable feeling.