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The shocking truth about B.C.’s carbon tax: It works

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    If anyone were to ask Americans what their take on then CO2 topic/fossil fuels....they would hear the most common answer that an election is just "x" months away.

    Up to now and into the future it appears that the Canadian Federal government is out of sync with the USA public. And also out of sync with the agenda of the Canadians who can quote the latest selected data purported to back their theories.

    Not all that convincing; just blindly repeating someone else's propaganda. How many brownie points are expected for those re released press releases.

    Just wait till the Donald meets with "our" Prime Minister. We'll all need help.


      Why don't these "economists" look a little deeper?Who is paying the bulk of these carbon taxes? - the income generators. Its not the city guy who rides his bike to the gym. This tax as well as other taxes imposed on the productive class, crowds out private corporate investment, something that is pretty hard to measure, but nonethelass still there. We, as farmers, will pay more for fuel, emission control, and mechanics and have even less available capital. But the city guy doesn't get it so the "economists" get away with this kind of garbage ( total unscientific, unsubstantiated crap!)





          Another factor in the so called success of the BC carbon tax is the fact that it transfers wealth from AB and SK to BC as we pay BC carbon tax as our grain passes through BC. There has not been one productive useful job created in BC since the 1960s. Can not sell this one to people with still functioning brains Chuck.


            Never mind a federal carbon tax is estimated to add $35 an acre to our costs from fert, diesel and chemical etc etc, the 75 cents an care we get from being a carbon sink sure helps


              Can you imagine how much remuneration and free trips these "economists" get from all their hokey boards? They all jump on the bandwagon for a free ride.


                This is the back door taxation I was worried about when Eastern Canada elected the Liberals . The west is about to take er on the chin . We have no choice but to burn fuel to grow a crop - and they know it .


                  Chucky doesn't answer direct questions apparently.

                  He also doesn't know that there are thousands of products derived most easily from fossil fuels..You know; common stuff that everyone tends to need All the way from plastics to building blocks for chewing gum and medical products.

                  Now its still a trick to build up electrons (from electrical energy produced by wind and solar sources) into complex compounds that just don't tend to exist in nature; but then environmentalists won't notice that there's more to chemistry than the hydrolysis of water for motors that commonly don't yet exist


                    I'm sure the Alberta $3Billion "carbon tax" will in some fashion work too.


                      I'm sure the Alberta $3Billion "carbon tax" will in some fashion work too.


                        Originally posted by vvalk View Post
                        Never mind a federal carbon tax is estimated to add $35 an acre to our costs from fert, diesel and chemical etc etc, the 75 cents an care we get from being a carbon sink sure helps
                        This alone would make you question if a proponent of a carbon tax would actually be a farmer.

                        Chuckchuck, what crops are you intending to seed in 2016?


                          Some people like to think they they have no responsibility to prevent pollution and environmental degradation and can do what ever they think is a good idea with no regard for impacts to their neighbors or down stream.


                            Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                            Some people like to think they they have no responsibility to prevent pollution and environmental degradation and can do what ever they think is a good idea with no regard for impacts to their neighbors or down stream.
                            Do you realize that agriculture is a large carbon sink and that Canada is carbon neutral?
                            GHG emissions actually decreased when PM Harper was leader but yet Selfie wants to add another tax.

                            Why do you want to add extra meaningless costs for farmers?


                              Some people like to think they they have no responsibility to prevent pollution and environmental degradation and can do what ever they think is a good idea with no regard for impacts to their neighbors or down stream.

                              ELABORATE IF YOU DARE. This is probably exactly what the environmental agenda is all about. How far "downstream" are you talking about. And just what impacts do you refer to. Do you have any impact on your neighbors you'd like to divulge?


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