So a couple day old chick (fresh out of an egg) costs $8.00 a piece Granted if you buy hundreds of the they areONLY half that price.
And Peavy Mart sells housing for $300 to $1500 for your very small scale producer.
But the question should be should this type of production not be seen to be a hooribly inefficent waste of the earths scarce resources.
It will be wonderful for friendly foxes and the stray weasel or mink, racoon and probanbly skunks etc.
And the solution isn't to live trap those predators and let them loose a few miles down the roard near some one else's dozen chicks.
Is any of this new found eco friendly behavior well thought out(on the necessary scale to actually feed billions of people).
Better question is if this is really where future food supplies of all kinds are destined to only come from?.
So a couple day old chick (fresh out of an egg) costs $8.00 a piece Granted if you buy hundreds of the they areONLY half that price.
And Peavy Mart sells housing for $300 to $1500 for your very small scale producer.
But the question should be should this type of production not be seen to be a hooribly inefficent waste of the earths scarce resources.
It will be wonderful for friendly foxes and the stray weasel or mink, racoon and probanbly skunks etc.
And the solution isn't to live trap those predators and let them loose a few miles down the roard near some one else's dozen chicks.
Is any of this new found eco friendly behavior well thought out(on the necessary scale to actually feed billions of people).
Better question is if this is really where future food supplies of all kinds are destined to only come from?.