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Free wheat area of Canada

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    Tom4cwb, you may not have considered this but you lose three times, when grain that meets specs gets under sold. once as an obvious producer. Second as an Albertan/Canada taxpayer that does not get the higher balance of payments this, $2.00 plus per bushel, difference would bring into your countrys' GDP/ Balance of payments. But thirdly to put out cropinsurance money to bring you back up to level. Takes away from all three players FEDS/Provincial/And you. I know it's wrong and always has been but I will not throw anything away till I'm done getting full value from it. And I'll bet you a cold beer if you and I sat down with Ken Ritter we would all come away with the feeling we would fix it constructively. And keep all the levers that are available now. What do you think.


      If the CWB is giving such a great deal to the millers why does Eatmorewheat always complain that the CWB charges him too much. Perhaps Tom should go back and read some of eatmorewheat's postings. In spite of his ranting it looks like eatmorewheat provides some of the strongest arguments in favor of the CWB



        I think that the CWB could do at least as good a job of providing efficient marketing tools, if the CWB had to.

        Ontario farmers used about 70% pricing option contracts for the 2002 harvest in Ontario, obviously these folks have done much soul searching to get efficient enough to have this kind of buy up of these marketing tools.

        Chairman Ritter, CEO Measner, and CWB Management are smart enough to work this trough, if they cared enough, we could do so much better...

        But is the Will there to get this job done... Especially the will of Goodale and the feds?


          Tom4cwb, they all will work to do more, but let's not attack the holes in their personalities however exposed. You know "Forive our trespass..." but as for Mr. Goodale, I've met him and I came away amazed at his grasp of our dilema. But never forget the task master he is connected to for now. Be patient, if we see Steam Boat Martin at the helm, he may give his firstmate Ralf, more steering room.


            Henbent: Why do you want to hold me to marketing my wheat and barley through CWB. I wouldn't hold you to marketing any of your commodities through some board if you didn't want it. I'am happy for you that you gloat on the power that you and 23% of the eligible voters and the CWB hold over the other 77% of farmers. Ten farm directors out of 15 directors, five others appointed by the government. That looks like farmer opponents of the CWB would need to elect 8 directors to make any changes in policy. Fat chance of that ever happening when the socialist thinking farmers of mantobia and saskatchewan who control 8 out ten director districts will keep voting for the CWB. Oh I may as well say 9 districts as the socialist that farm in northern Alberta couldn't make it with being subsidized by southern farmers.

            This whole directorship thing as you can well see leaves free thinking Alberta farmers harnessed to supporting welfare farming. This CWB Monopoly is the biggest problem with the farm crisis that exsist in Saskatchwen today.

            By taking the premium that Sask farmers should get for growing a high quality wheat and distributing it throughout the DA farmers as a subsidy on poorer quality wheat grown in other parts of the prairies.

            The CWB marketing outside of the system that creates the world price also weighs on the world price. Thats what the American are complaining about and thats what farmers in the EU are mad about.

            Thats why we are unfair traders and some of us don't realize that we are beating up on ourselves with this monopoly marketing stupidity.


              kernel, is that subsidy you are talking about flowing north,their government subsidized irrigation districts, dams and development just curious?


                CharlieP we need a Word Perfect spellcheck, in this column my better half gets a kick out of where our fingers fly on these keyboards. My typing teacher was right slow down and omit errors.


                  kernel, It is because of jerks like you that this nation needs the CWB. You are greedy self centered and are a legend in you own mind. 23% control 77% think about that for a minute, are you guys to stupid to vote, don't know how to vote, won't vote, never pick up the mail. No you are simply wrong. You are a FORK (Friend of Ralph Kline) and are basically a stooge. How about those electric bills, natural gas prices and fuel prices. Free market gouging no doubt about it!! This stuff comes from beneath our feet. Americans pay less for it than we do for gosh sakes, open your eyes man.


                    Kernel check your facts before you go spouting off about unfair trade by Canada into the US. How did the International Trade Commission (a US body) come to the conclusion that Canada sold CWRS and durum into the US for a higher price than Americans themselves got in their own market in 59 of the 60 months they looked at? Sounds like that must really depress the prices in North America. Look what US corn is doing to domestic feed barley for cripes sakes, are you blind, dumb or both? Subsidized US corn is displacing us out of the most premium feed barley market in the world, our own. The only winners in this case are southern AB cattle feeders and the provincial AB gov't. as the ag receipts in AB are 60% livestock / 40% grain.
                    What's good for feedlot alley is good for King Ralph politicaly.
                    Wait a minute, some things are starting to fall into place. Looks like southern AB livestock farmers are being subsidized by our American cousins! Hope tom4cwb can manage that relationship for us better than he does his own with the CWB!


                      Henbent and Dyno:

                      I have been standing back and reading the threads. There was a comment by TOM4CWB on his visit to a CWB meeting that chairman Ritter attended.
                      I recall that when TOM4CWB stood up and asked the chairman some pointed questions,Mr. Ritter got flustered when confronted with the truth,and reverted to name calling.
                      Now I see words like jerk,greedy,stooge and dumb.
                      You boys should quit right now. The CWB is doomed when they have henchman like yourselves, but hey if the chairman can do it so can you.


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