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Free wheat area of Canada

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    You wrote;

    "Wait a minute, some things are starting to fall into place. Looks like southern AB livestock farmers are being subsidized by our American cousins! Hope tom4cwb can manage that relationship for us better than he does his own with the CWB!"

    I find it interesting that we have had some of the best feed barley prices in HISTORY in the last 6 months...

    I am certainly very happy if our cattle feeder freinds can survive this year... for these guys have spent millions upon millions to value add our feed wheat and barley...

    To simply beat up on anyone that trys to make an honest hard earned living... in our province of Alberta... sure seems counterproductive...

    Life is not a bed of rose pedals for anyone in the Alberta Ag. industry this year... the thorns have been much sharper and painful this year... no matter where or what a farmer does...

    I am glad Corn came into Alberta to make sure our livestock could be fed... so we may continue to have some market for feed grains next fall!

    OR Dyno, did you want all the livestock to leave Alberta?

    Isn't $4.00 plus feed barley $5.00 feed wheat good enough for you?


      Henbent: 57% of eligible votes have given up on the CWB for all of the above reasons. Most have switch to pulses, canola and feed grains to by pass the oppressive pooling system. They would to alot better in the feed grains too if the board would free up export licenses. Our feed grains would pass for milling wheat and malt in other countrys in the world.

      Henbent name calling is about all you can write about. Why not check out some of what people are saying here and stop hugging the board so tight.

      Boone: I know there are some other subsidizes involved in farming but the cost of irrigation farming is not cheap either and irrigation is mostly a one time subsidy. It doesn't keep on year after year like pooling account marketing does. Think about it Sask. is always a day late and a buck short, could it be because of the pooling account.

      Dyno: Maybe you should check thinks out a little closer and I think you will find that 59 times out 60 that you refer to is for durham wheat only. There was no mention of CWRS preniums.

      Your monopoly would work fine if it was a world wide single desk for all wheat grown in the world. As is it interferes with the world price discovery mechanism and is determental to all farmers of the world including third world countries. Holding prices down to the point where subsidizes have to be applied to make farming sustainable.

      Your favourite JERK.


        kernel; You may wonder about Saskatchewans' approach to things I'm here to tell you the most dynamic players from our communities own, live,
        participate big time as Albertans. Besides the growth of your economy with my retiring neighbours money. What has killed Sk. is the fact most of our governance has been by non entrepeneurial types. The thing they felt most comfortable with were Mega projects where a consulting company for a'PRICE' would tell them about all the possibilities they had. Then in would come an engineering group and reiterate and lay down the working model for a price. Next would come the builders and wonder how they were going to work around the unions at a cost, because the involvement of government, labour had a voice. And all that was left for our cheery elected officials to do would be planning a sunny day for the unveiling of the Bronze plaque. So all the due diligence wasn't in the hands of a project manager that was spending his career decision, like a Calgary/Houston project would enforce upon him. Take heart though, we are so ridiculously underpriced here for land and manufacturing cost, that our local Saskatoon etc. manufactures are shipping west and east and working steady. We are being sucked into the cities like a hoover vacuum. Our neighbours have been selling land like a gold rush to your neighbours children, just for grazing. If you don't believe it call farm credit in Camrose Tom, My land is available just ask. The CWB is the very least of my problems,Trust Me. When I have to price my goods and buy my inputs against the very decent help of your provincial treasury, that has a bigger influence than anything mentioned thus far.



          Life is a state of mind...

          Wealth is a strange thing... if we squeeze too tight... it squashes right through our fingers!

          Working together voluntarily is a challenge, obviously the results, ...of free will and hard work....,

          far exceed, any forced benefits that a government can conger up in a back room politically...

          Your Potash corp. is going to pay dearly for being owned by you gov., the US will deal it blows with a sledge hammer... and fair is not an issue once a gov. corp. is in the crosshairs of another foreign gov.!


            Boone I know what you are saying about my neighbors moving to Sask. If enought Albertans go to farm there the political mentality there could turn to give your people much more individual initiative to change their social thinking. The Alberta government provides its people with just enought government to provide insentive to reap the spoils of ones work. We are one of the best economic regions in North America and we are fast becoming a showcase on how to create wealth. Oil helps but free enterprize is the driver of all wealth creation.

            Give us marketing choice and watch value added mulitply.

            A few more votes last provincial election and Ralph would have swept Sask too.


              Tom4cwb; actually the PCS is only in name a Saskatchewan company, it was sold off by Conservative government in late '80s. It went public at a low in the market for about $18.00 per share and has since traded on the TSE&NYSE market for as high as $132.00 it floats between $82.00 to $105.00 lately. It's head office is in Saskatoon and is a success story for us. As the President then, Charles(Chuck) Childers, as well as the President now, William Doyle were pirated from IMC of Chicago and together have built a world class company, that is widely held. I believe it is the worlds largest publicly traded fertilizer Co. N-P-andK If they hadn't moved the way that they did, you would be absolutely right.



                Does the Sask. gov. not own any of these Potash shares? I understood they still did own some...


                  kernel, It'll be a cold day in hell before I'd hug anyone tight, based on your advice. How about the BUSH he's a cool dud eh!


                    Tom4cwb; Sk. gov. may own some yet but Ontario Teachers Pension probably owns as much or more. Henbent you gotta cut people some slack so Parsley and I can get this paper off the ground, So what do you guys think about the name I offered up. I think it has a good ring to it any other suggestions. "Hell No, We Won't Grow, Not For Syngenta, or Monsanto". "We'll Share The Facts, And Give GMOs The Axe". come on guys if not us, Who? If not now, When?



                      I must agree that there are much more productive projects to spend time on... than trying to change a CWB that appears to have no intent to listen...

                      However... futile would be the term I would use... if I gave up and avoided the CWB problem... as I run into this CWB wall... with crop insurance... with the CGC... with risk management on my farm...

                      SOME choose to ignore the CWB... some just wish it would go away... some fight the CWB every minute of the day...

                      I really hope we can proceed to a point in our society that we can choose to deal with the CWB...

                      Then we will be able to spend our time and energy on creating wealth... for our families and communities...

                      This would be much more productive...


                        Henbent : You are starting to realize that I'am on the right path to marketing success. You are starting to show the penned up anger of knowning your support of the CWB was caused by the propaganda the CWB feeds you daily. Now that you are seeing the light you are angery and expending that anger toward me and others on this thread.

                        I can handle your present state mind with one BIG HUG. I know you are seeing error of your ways and I'am here to help you in the transition.

                        Your good friend. The Kernel


                          kernel, Good for you, market it if you got it, but please leave me my friends and I alone. Keep quoting the stats, 1,2,3, that will convince your followers. Myself I want to look at the big picture, overall results and remain in business. I hate to admit it but we don't hit homeruns every year and sometimes a walk and a few stolen bases keep us on the farm.


                            Henbent: See that HUG is helping already, you are mellowing.


                              kernel, What have you done to the real kernel? Are you going to demand a ransom? Have you been abducted by aliens, undergone mind altering operations and returned? Where is the real kernel?


                                Henbent: Spring has come. Optimism fills the air once again. The future is today and the end of the CWB is on the horizon. Marketing choice will take farming into a very sustainable industry, value added will increase 10 fold and the rural areas of Western Canada will teem with active and prosperity.

                                There will be great rejoicing in the great Kingdom of Ralgh for he will have freed us from the great agricultural oppression called the CWB. And all citizens of the Kindom will live happily ever after.

                                That includes you Henbent.


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