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    politics on this site.

    Do you think MLAs read what is posted ?Does BB know even Sask Party supporters think he is crooked ?

    Too many people vote conservative/saskparty because they are said to not be socialists.

    Blinded by idealogy.


      You guys in sask dont seem to be to politicaly conected other that sask3. You all did more moaning and gave advice on our alta election than your own.


        The problem with politicians is they say they are going to clean up the other guys but end up doing it themselves.

        That's why governments should change occasionally. ... to prevent all from getting to cozy with mlas and staff.


          Besides ...watch bill boyd will probably get re-elected.

          It's a license to continue the practice.


            Yes a political correction is needed to keep a government honest.The correction can be done within a party or eventually let the voters do it.I think parties are better off doing it themselves.that is why I am very disappointed in Wall and the inner Sask Party. Will still vote Sask Party but hope the he'll Bill B does not get elected.If he was in my area I would not vote for him.


              The Americans have the right idea when a leader can only serve 2 terms in office then has to get out.


                I do like That in USA politics


                  two months ago, if some one asked me who I am voting for I would have told them, with out a doubt, but now I don't have a clue. think ill just stay home.


                    Why do parties stick with people until they take everyone down to ground zero.Why not as a party do some spring cleaning every election and change people before the voters do.???Told Tom about a 18th months before the federal election you better change your leader or the voters will and it will not be pretty.


                      Wake up people, that attitude is what happened in Alberta, or is the negative comments coming out of Negative Broten office!


                        This whole Boyd deal stinks and even though it appears he's not in any breach of the law it still looks bad at election time. No way in hell though should it cost the sask party the election because the devil you have is better than the devil you know who isn't in power.


                          Oh you have an inside to it all. In todays world , if you are aggressive and do things, your bad. Remember Steve was really bad, till tomorrows budget!

                          I have seen good and bad in all parties, some really bad, this will sort out and the CBC and other negative Nannys will have their day in court, and then the truth will out.

                          NDP is a party of spread lies and they will grow, until they hit the Wall!


                            the story seems to have legs of it's own
                            , your getting pretty defensive.
                            quit blaming the NDP, seems some sask. party folks have a problem with it too.


                              Not looking to throw the whole pot of soup out....
                              Just some scum on the top
                              And some sediment at the bottom.


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