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Seeding survey

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    Seeding survey

    Charlie did you ever set up that seeding survey to see what would be the main decision factors in order of impotance?

    I am embarassed to admit I have forgotten/lost the thread where it was mentioned. Help my foggy memory.


      We where talking about the main influencing factors in producers seeding intention in the coming year. If I remember correctly I said there where 4 main influences and we thought it would be a good idea for producers to rank them

      1/Crop Insurance
      2/Weather conditions
      3/Market Outlook

      I thought crop inusrance was the main deciding factor. You hoped it wasn't.


        I forwarded your request to the mayor of Agri-ville for consideration.

        Maybe we can get discussion going in this thread.

        The original question was as follows.


        Charlie we saw it last year. Just the start of farming for policy. The two main influences on seeding this spring will be weather and crop insurance in Alberta. Price outlook will be dead last as far as most producers are concerned in Alberta.

        Agriville should set up a pre seeding seeding intentions page, or even ask the question according to importance the decideing influences on what is to be seeded. Let respondents answer in according to important influences in seeding decisions.

        2/Crop Insurance
        3/Market Outlook

        Have respondents state what Province they are from.

        Have producers rank these four questions in importance of influence."


          Can Agri-ville send it out as an online questionare?

          It might not matter now that the numbers for crop inusurance are now out.


            Not sure what you are asking here. The survey is on the initial pop up as you go into agri-ville.


              Yes I just notices last night. How long has it been up?


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