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the agriville party of saskatchewan

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    I don't know. Probably doesn't matter because it would never happen. Don't like our political situation us vs them. Imagine if treadeu would have put a few cons in his cabinet and in the house they would all sit down and debate the best solutions to problems they all agree on instead of screaming and only pointing out faults. It isn't ****ing tug of war or a sports competion. Step back and look it's all insanity.


      Would be nice if the parties could discuss issues. That debate the other night just proves Wall and Broten are puppets.

      You have to make better arguments than the screaming over on another.

      I don't think either one knows shit. If they were my constituency candidates ...I wouldn't vote for either.

      They argued over what maybe the smallest industry in saskatchewan. To argue over wolf cop 1 & 2 and the corner gas movie is just stupid. They argued about them longer than those movies were in theaters.


        Look we are all mind ****ed. I openly admit gore and global warming mind ****ed me and I believed it for a while but I was strong enough to change my mind. Don't be afraid to entertain an idea without excepting it and question everything.


          Ahhh yes... critical thinking. Not just swallowing everything hook, line and sinker because you've always voted "X" and accept everything they say as gospel. Or you've drank so much Kool-Aid it's poisoned you and your ability to reason.

          Oneoff has a line about this...
          Last edited by farmaholic; Mar 26, 2016, 20:08.


            Totally agree bucket.

            People including myself don't realize how little they know.

            I'll give you an example. One of the most important substances in the body is called glutathione. Your cells can literally live longer without oxygen or water. It(ghc) is 5000 times more powerful then the next antioxidant(I bet the term antioxidant makes some think quack well good luck getting rid of an oxygen molecule without an electron and surviving for any length of time)

            And this is simple shit



              Blinded by idealogy. Just have a lobotomy instead.

              You lose your ability to think.

              Perfect example was the federal election.

              After seeing liberals win across the east people stuck with conservatives out west.

              Lost the seat at the table. And our conservative mps are pretty quiet.

              Anderson didn't have a voice while in a conservative majority and is useless as a back bench MP in opposition.

              Last edited by bucket; Mar 26, 2016, 11:19.


                Originally posted by riders2010 View Post
                Freewheat. Assistant to minister of ag in preserving the self sustained farm. Sheep and chicken development board.

                Tom assistant to minister of culture responsible for removing pictures of beautiful women from public
                Also assistant to physical and mental health in dealing with loonies on hunger strikes

                Cotton minister of finance and the awareness of value of gold is required to provide funding to continue the tv series Goldrush

                Furrow. Minister of ag and general calm
                And cool behaviour of the public

                Chuck and Oliver. Will literally share an office of public political spin and misinformation. Chuck s wages sponsored by cupe and friends of cwb and Oliver wages by patrolium institute and the guy who paid off mike Duffy.

                Klause will be minister of technical innovation

                Oneoff minister of rural government and also writing long books no one else understands.
                Thanks for the appointment, I believe this job could be conducted from the tractor and sprayer.

                I will use some of my salary to pay for your upcoming mandatory spelling lessons. From there you will attend the "patrolium" summit where your new "puppet masters" will let you know how to make Sask a "one trick pony".....as the master Bilderberg plan is. 😂


                  Oliver I'm feeling punshy today

                  If gold goes to 50k what's your land worth?

                  Or are you just to ****in stupid to figure it out?

                  I'll give you a trillion dollars for everything you have seriously they may be from Rhodesia (wonder if you even know where that is lol) but you will be paid in full get it I doubt it.

                  Gold is nothing more then a ****ing barometer and a put against government stupidity,Einstein


                    And what about being gender nuetral...this ain't gonna fly without 50% females.

                    Where's parsley et al.? We're off to a bad start here.

                    Who's the campaign manager?


                      Lets let qualifications be the criteria for appointments not quotas. If that means all women and minorities get appointed...so be it. But shelf the quota idea.


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