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A Discussion Paper on the Use of Variety Eligibility Declarations

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    Tests can be done on the seed itself before it is seeded... a dilute roundup solution is used to test a sample... if the seed germinates... the GMO RR gene is present.

    These simple tests are pracitical ways we can cheaply test, for ourselves... if the minute possibility of a problem... could become our farm's problem!

    In the end, Superb is really not at more risk, very likely, but since there are non-awned CWRS, and Superb is awned, the non-awned CWRS varieties are safer, because if a CWRS awned plant showed up in the non-awned seed field... it would stick out if you rogue your seed field.

    I am sure you can easily sell your stock seed Superb... in an instant... for a very good price, if you are concerned!

    10 feet of Isolation, for GMO wheat from other wheats...at the Indian Head breeder seed multiplication farm... for 3 years...was an insane risk to take... no matter how it was done. OBVIOUSLY it should be 30 KM.... not either 3m or 30m.

    Don't shoot me, read the March 27th Western Producer, Page 12... I DID NOT MAKE THIS UP!


    Then there is water and wind movement of GMO seed...

    Are we to dike and fence our fields... so GMO seed cannot move out into our conventional wheat areas through water or wind movement?

    What about wildlife movement of seed from field to field?

    Once this little genie gets out of the bottle... it can never be put back noway, nohow! Zero tolerance is almost impossible to maintain.


      Sounds like their would be no purity problem in the GMO Wheat seed. Panic session over. Could be progress. Could be a better tomorrow. Could be a better system for quality control and profit. Could be better system for diease control and less use of pesticides. Could or is the next revolution in argriculture. Could this end the crisis in farming or start hand to hand combat. More information is required at this time before he all live happily ever after.


        kernel; could be..., we are so open minded our brain floated out. Let's have this conversation in 2010 and we will both have a better understanding. You know with what the Americans are feeling about us as non good neighbours. We might not even be able to give our GM contaminated grain to them. What's left ballast in ships for return trip to Japan? Filling the Vancouver harbour with it for housing expansion maybe. geezus!


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