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This should make wheat growers chuckle...

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    This should make wheat growers chuckle...


    I was searching my DTN...

    U.S. Wheat Exports Exceed Trade Guesses
    3/20 09:43

    Saw this hiding down in the article...

    ...*“New reports from the Black Sea suggest that Ukraine exported itself right into a domestic shortage -- possibly even needing wheat imports. From August through December, Ukraine exported wheat very aggressively. But now Kiev has asked grain merchandisers to move Ukrainian grain out of export channels and back into the local market.”…

    What goes around comes back around.

    This article estimates that FSU state's Winter Wheat production to be down close to 15% for 2003.

    Could be hope for wheat yet!

    I wish I had sold all my wheat last fall and had to buy it back now. I was trying to find out the number of tonnes they were short, wasn't sure if it was 3 or 30 million.
    I see there was a pretty major rain event the last few days in the central states, some farmers say their first decent rain in two years. Should favor winter wheat growers.


      Crusher you are right

      I wish the CWB had sold all of our wheat when prices were high (even if they had to buy some back now when prices have dropped 2 per bushel)

      Instead they "withdrew from the market" when prices were high and only started quoting prices again after they had gone down $2 per bushel



        What you have pointed out is very astute...

        Western "Designated Area" farmers... need to be responsible for "pulling the trigger" on wheat sales by the CWB.

        CWB Management will never know the specific needs of our farms... therefore cannot return to "designated area" farmers decisions that meet our specific needs.

        The BIAS built into Producer Pricing Options, to build a multi-million dollar CWB contingency fund... at the expense of our farms and families...

        STOPS decisions from being made that could correct the CWB POOLING mentality down at the CWB...

        STOPS the CWB from creating daily cash prices throughout the whole crop year...

        The CWB POOLING Mentality says that farmers are too ...foolish..., or too ...stupid...,

        to make a personal decision on when selling wheat or barley... grown on their own farm, needs to be transacted.

        The CWB will never know when the high in a marketing season occurs...

        I will never know either... But if I am dillegent... I will know when a handsome profitable decision can enhance my farm, help my family, and build my community!


          Winston and Crusher;

          Thought I should share the CWB Contingency Fund numbers for 2001-02, just recently avaliable...

          THE CWB 2001-02 Annual Report notes these figures, Page 46

          Tonnes bought by these programs;


          Profit for Contingency Fund...


          THIS works out to $25.78/t

          Last year, 2000-01, the CWB Contingency Fund Profit on these programs was $6/t.

          On the 2001-02 Wheat EPO program,

          the CWB deposited to the Contingency Fund $2.12/t, on a Program takeup of farmers of 11,308t.

          On the 2001-02 Barley EPO program,

          the CWB deposited to the Contingency Fund $5.99/t, on a Program takeup of farmers of 2,501t.

          I do not believe this is the total that was taken off the PPO farmers.

          Since the CWB has indicated that it does not hold futures positions, on FPC/BPC purchased wheat, until the delivery of this wheat is finalised... the:

          $9,690,000 net earnings resulting from hedging easily is skewed into the CWB Pooling account for wheat, rather than to the Contingency Fund.

          I wanted everyone to know, these figures are a sad commentary on CWB pillaging of farmers who need direct control over timing of wheat sales on their farms!



            DTN reported the following;

            "Arrest Made In Ukraine Grain Scandal
            03/25 15:07
            Former deputy Ukrainian prime minister -- who may have been responsible for Ukraine's massive wheat exports last year -- has been arrested on charges of corruption and tax evasion as part of a government probe of grain market abuses, says the Associated Press.

            Leonid Kozachenko, who was head of Ukraine's agriculture policy until November, was arrested Monday night and is in pretrial detention, accused of large-scale theft of state assets, taking bribes and evading taxes, said a spokeswoman for the Ukrainian Prosecutor General.

            Ukraine now suffers a grain shortage after an aggressive export program in the last half of 2002. Prosecutors charge that the actual harvest last year was much smaller than the official announcement of 38.8 million tons."

            "The problems with last year's harvest are being aggravated this year now that severe winterkill has hit Ukraine's winter wheat and barley. The AP reports that some areas of the country have lost 90 percent of their crop."



              Tom that is very interesting, so much for expert information on what is happening. Way to go expert wheat market anlyst with the CWB. The only thing the CWB can get right is what we producers tell them by way of the contract sign up. And what do they do with the informmation but tell the world so the cherry pickers can line up an buy their supply from an undisplined seller who only wants market share at the expense of the world price.

              The CWB destroys the mechanism for price discovery.

              What is the real price of wheat.



                Shades of Ukrane... no doubt!

                THe pre-selling of our 2002 crop in June was really no different than what just happened in the Ukrane...


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