SF3, seems the conversation on this thread is about collecting data, meaning that, these so called weather stations are/will give you information about what has already happened. It's history, old news! I suppose it may have some value if you have a frost in the spring and you have spraying to look after. A radio shack digital thermometer with hi and low memories could do that, how much would 20-30 of those cost?
The point I'm making is that I think the money would be better spent in forecasting. Getting a handle on hi and low temps forecast, humidity, wind speed and direction forecasts. Does the expense JD one offer predictions for weather the following day, will/can it forecast rainfall for the next day? If it can forecast and is accurate, maybe it's worth the money.
Does Drew et al offer personal forecasts as local as ones own farm, or specific to a single R.M.?
The point I'm making is that I think the money would be better spent in forecasting. Getting a handle on hi and low temps forecast, humidity, wind speed and direction forecasts. Does the expense JD one offer predictions for weather the following day, will/can it forecast rainfall for the next day? If it can forecast and is accurate, maybe it's worth the money.
Does Drew et al offer personal forecasts as local as ones own farm, or specific to a single R.M.?