I have a funny feeling something is going on with this election. It seems the Die hard NDP supporters are out all over the place singing the same tune from 1930 that trust them they know better and all others will destroy Hospitals etc.
Cam had a chance to change the party and move forward but unfortunately when your majority of donations comes from Unions you have to follow what they want.
They want Control of Saskatchewan and are going to try to get it at any cost.
Its the third term for a party other than the NDP in Saskatchewan and this is new ground. The NDP usually by this time has done enough damage with propaganda to convince the Population that the Government is bad and the NDP is the savior.
Yes Sask party will have a few less seats. Probably in Moosejaw and Saskatoon and Regina. But for the most part it will be Brad wall and the Saskparty.
So one thing is always right with an election. The Electorate have a say and if change is needed change comes.
You can only complain if you vote. Its your right so get out and vote.
Watch Monday night election results.
I'm thinking 49 - 9
What are others guessing.
Cam had a chance to change the party and move forward but unfortunately when your majority of donations comes from Unions you have to follow what they want.
They want Control of Saskatchewan and are going to try to get it at any cost.
Its the third term for a party other than the NDP in Saskatchewan and this is new ground. The NDP usually by this time has done enough damage with propaganda to convince the Population that the Government is bad and the NDP is the savior.
Yes Sask party will have a few less seats. Probably in Moosejaw and Saskatoon and Regina. But for the most part it will be Brad wall and the Saskparty.
So one thing is always right with an election. The Electorate have a say and if change is needed change comes.
You can only complain if you vote. Its your right so get out and vote.
Watch Monday night election results.
I'm thinking 49 - 9
What are others guessing.