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Liberate the west

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    Liberate the west

    Perhaps since Canada has chosen to sit this out in the middle east we could focus our energies on liberating some other long suffering souls. The DA area wheat farmer.

    Any farmer want to donate wheat to help in the rebuilding of Iraq. Better be prepared to do time, because in the DA area it is against the laws of the holy CWB to donate wheat.

    How does the Canadian Foodgrain Bank escape incarceration if they are accepting donated wheat from DA area farmers.

    Only in Canada.

    Free wheat in the west.

    Pleae tell me you are not from the west "eatmorewheat". With your caviler attitude about this conflict you have to be one of those fools from the east, if you are not you should be! You really need professional help I believe when you make light of the seriousness of the ongoing war and try to make some analogies with the CWB. Just what is your agenda? It's not about really about freedom is it, did the CWB hurt you real bad? Do you have more to benefit from destroying the CWB than simply the right to sell wheat direct yourself for export? What is your hidden agenda?


      EATMOREWHEAT is correct to say donating wheat is sometimes illegal. The wheat
      donated to 4H in the USA was not sold it was DONATED, left in a foreign country unpaid for. Just as Canadian Foodgrains Bank (an excellent organization)does, how are work for food programs permitted? That amounts to payment? The CWB does nobody favors & Farming isn't guaranteed by law, Single desk selling is. For all the
      time,work,expense,risk of growing a crop we ot to be able to do whatever we damb well feel like with it, including going broke with it. It's my farm its my grain! Stop the games
      Free wheat in the West


        Keep it from geting personal dyno.

        I am from the east, my mill is in the east.And most of the wheat I mill is FREE eastern wheat. The little western wheat I buy from the socialized wheat area is important based on one thing; lack of FREEDOM. My family farmed north of Regina, we could not buy their wheat direct. That is WRONG.

        Simply put in a free country that is Canada, basic property rights cannot be trampled. I will not cease until these rights of the DA area are recognized and respected. Sorry to disappoint you dyno. I'm just a dumb eastener afterall.

        Tell us what is your agenda? How does it hurt to offer your wheat to me, the cwb, your local elevator or your closest US miller. The highest bidder gets it. Do you buy your pickup at the pickup marketing board?

        Free wheat in the west.


          eatmore, tom4, kernel,parsley; take heed of this quote. " The reasonable man adapts himself to the World; The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the World to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man".---George Bernard Shaw
          I hesitated a long time before I shared that gem.



            Anything constructive ever created by humanity on planet earth, must stand upon the unreasonable application of the following Laws and principals:

            Common Law...

            Our laws must be based on the Golden Rule, which states;

            *Do unto others as you would have done unto you,

            And the Negative Golden Rule, which states;

            * Do not do unto others as you would not have others do unto you;

            The two fundamental principals of common law:

            *Do not infringe upon the Rights, Freedoms or Property of others, and;

            *Keep all contracts willingly, knowingly and intentionally...

            Common law maxims of principal, which must be applied without revision... as your quote insists...include:

            *That for every wrong there is a remedy,

            *The end does not justify the means,

            *Fundamental principals cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship in a particular case,

            * Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law,

            * Two wrongs do not make a right, and

            * One can enlarge the rights of the people, however they cannot be taken away without their informed consent.

            ****THESE Principals create wealth not destroy it****

            "The reasonable man adapts himself to the World"...

            THE world says the above Laws and principals are UNREASONABLE... and the reasonable person believes the world...

            The UNREASONABLE person believes that;

            "The Fear of GOD is the begining of all wisdom."

            ...GODLY WISDOM creates Wealth for Humanity...

            THe World says these GODLY principals are foolishness.

            THEREFORE the Unreasnable personal application, through the centuries... of the above GODLY laws and principals... by unreasonable people who persist in trying to adapt the World to GODLY PRINCIPALS.

            Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable people who demand these unreasonable standards...

            These standards are built around Faith, Hope, and Love... the greatest standard of all being love... the sacrificing of the unreasonable person's life... for a neighbour in need... or more yet...for an enemy in need!


              Boone: the unreasonable man by your quote would mean a CWB supporter who forces regulations upon everyone to conform to a certain way of marketing.

              A reasonable person would be a CWB opponent because he is prepared to adjust to the world's demands.


                kernel,Tom4cwb; I wasn't thinking that, but I will certainly take your point of view here, I would have thought you might like to see yourselves as change agents. Your right about the rules Tom have you ever read the Buddhist Bible, Koran,or Talmud, it's there too. In slight variations.



                  Since King Solomon was known as being full of Wisdom... it would do all of us a world of good to look back at whatever Faith we count on to ground our lives... especially with what is happening on planet earth today...

                  Reality is a sad pill to swallow... especially If we are to accept the news today as a gage of sanity on planet earth!

                  I have a hard time reconciling our Principals of Global Civilisation... with CNN, BBC, CBC, NBC, or any other news report for that matter today!

                  Who is right, and who is wrong... is certainly an issue for debate...

                  Reminds me of what was said at the beginning of this Topic...

                  Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely... on Planet earth...

                  when dealing with people... at least!


                    boone, Go get'em, they are becoming confused, disoriented!!


                      Now these anti-CWB people have GOD on their side. As an ordained minister, I resent this appropriation as the pro-CWB people have equal dibs.




                        The Common Law does not support the actions the CWB has taken, IMHO.

                        Last I heard, God didn't force anyone to do anything they didn't agree to... by a freedom of choice decision...

                        If you think the CWB has "GOD" on it's (or your) side... you would not be the first to make the claim.

                        Go AHEAD, give it your best try... I would really be interested to hear all about your Social Gospel... and how you propose to use GOD as justification for the CWB!



                          I'm not confused. I know you have evaded this question from another thread.

                          So, please answer this question as yes or no:

                          Would you agree that the CWB's Licensing arm issues export/interprovincial licenses to applicants right across Canada?




                            Can you hear me?



                              parsley, Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I hear you, I am busy, researching and formulating an answer, that you can understand. It will probably take a while, in the mean time don't develop an ulcerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


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