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Liberate the west

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    Just a yes or a no.




      Don't worry about researching and formulating a long answer. Parsley will understand your simple yes or no.

      And I am interested too! From there, we can go on to another issue.



        I see the CWB rewrote the CWB Act for inclusion in the 2001-02 Audited Financial Statements...

        Auditors Deloitte & Touche LLP allowed a false quotation of the CWB Act. This is on Page 39, “Notes to the financial statements” of the 2001-02 Canadian Wheat Board Financial Results;

        “The Corporation was created for the purpose or marketing, in an
        orderly manner, in inter-provincial and export trade, grain grown in .... Western.... Canada.”

        The actual CWB Act says; “Section 5. The Corporation is incorporated with the object of marketing in an orderly manner, in interprovincial and export trade, grain grown in Canada.”

        The difference is of serious Significance because, the CWB statue, applies to all of Canada, and is only limited to “Western” Canada in certain specific instances. The

        Looks to me like all of Canada needs to be liberated from the CWB!

        Here are the specifics:

        CWB Act Part 1 applies to CWB operations throughout all of Canada.

        CWB Act Part 2 applies to CWB operations throughout all of Canada, except, subject to section 30 of the

        CWB Act, in Part 2, "grain" means grain produced in the designated area and "producer" means a producer in respect of that grain.

        CWB Act Part 2 Section 30 says; “The Governor in Council may, by regulation, apply this Part to grain produced in any area in Canada outside the designated area specified in the regulation and to producers in respect of that grain…”

        CWB Act Part 3 applies to CWB Operations in the “Designated Area” except, subject to section 40 of the

        CWB Act, in Part 3, the CWB has authority to market “designated area” wheat and barley that has been offered to the CWB.

        CWB Act Part 3 Section 32 says; “(1) The Corporation shall undertake the marketing of wheat produced in the designated area in interprovincial and export trade and… a) buy all wheat produced in the designated area and offered by a producer for sale and delivery to the Corporation…”

        CWB Act Part 3 “40. (1) The Governor in Council may, by regulation, apply the provisions of this Part, in respect of wheat produced in any area in Canada outside the designated area, specified in the regulation.”

        CWB Act Part 4 applies to all of Canada.

        CWB Act Section 45. “Except as permitted under the regulations, no person other than the Corporation shall…a) export from Canada wheat or wheat products owned by a person other than the Corporation… (c) sell or agree to sell wheat or wheat products situated in one province for delivery in another province or outside Canada; or d) buy or agree to buy wheat or wheat products situated in one province for delivery in another province or outside Canada.

        Part 6 of the CWB Act can include any grain, and any part of Canada... if this is the wish of the Gov. of Canada.

        Part 7 of the CWB Act definately applies to all of Canada.

        For an Audited statement to be falsified in the manner, done in this year’s CWB Financial Statements… shows exactly where and why the CWB has such big problems today!

        Since the CWB Act requires specific accounting of costs respecting Part 4, and other specific expences not directly applicable to Part 3, be charged to the Federal Government directly... could this be why the CWB's auditors refused to admit that the CWB Act applies to all of Canada?

        Doesn't this smell like Enron and Worldcom to you?



          If there is such a thing as an after life, I think you should come back as a trade lawyer and go head-to-head with Margaret Redmond!!



            The purpose of the Act applies equally to all Canadians.

            The Licensing part of the Act for all of Canada is in Part IV of the Act.

            The marketing part of the Act for DA producers who OFFER grain is in Part III of the Act.

            Obviously, the Auditor picked out some national parts of the Act and decided to apply them only to the West. If all the farmers blindly accept it, then this manipulating impacts on the accounting.

            He should be fired.




              The auditor is very specific about what is being audited... and this may allow them to escape... but the fact remains that this CWB Audit is not an "Audited" statement with credibility... as the CWB claims it has had done to itself.

              THe rest of Canadians outside the Designated Area should be just as critical about the accuracy of these CWB Audits... for what the CWB gets away with in the areas we presented... casts a shadow on the trustworthiness of the whole Audit...

              When the Auditor General did the CWB Audit... it is now being exposed that issues before the courts... like the buy-back and legality of the CWB's "Policy" towards the application of the Monopoly... was not allowed to be included in the document.

              Obviously this area must be investigated... as the CWB/Audited statements have tried to cover it up... which means this is a big problem area...


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