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Video: License to Farm – Clouds on the Horizon
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Totally agree with the video. I spend most of my winters in Mexico and of course am exposed to many tourists from across North America. Since only 2% of this population are farmers I can quickly get an audience when asked about my occupation. Over half the people I speak with believe that we as farmers are supplying them with a substandard food as compared to what their parents were used to. In fact a high school teacher from the Vancouver area told me that I was poisoning her children and made sure all her students were aware of this fact. Wow, I never realized how badly some folks thought about us.
The words "genetically modified organisms" would scare anybody and would have the same effect as "****" (canola)did in the 70's. I really think our grain associations should jointly put some of our checkoff dollars into North American campaigns to educate the comsumer as to what we do and and how all the new technology has increased our life spans. These educated and affluent consumers wield a lot of power and could be very detrimental to our food supply in the future.
I was talking to a guy in Jamaica that was from BC . He was so happy harper got punted because harper was going to let Monsanto into canada! Lol should seen his face when he found out they have been here longer than him
It is near impossible to fight negative advertising, since it is sensationalism, and that sells into people's deep rooted conspiracy theory beliefs. No amount of money or advertising will counter act this, it's not sexy, or out of the normal grab your interest stuff.
Only the over exaggeration, and more time, higher prices, food scarcity, etc then the "boy or foodies calling wolf, won't be trusted or believable". A few more years, and the food babe will be a little older, not as trust worthy or credible, etc.
Is the best solution to do nothing, lay silent waiting for opportunity or spend - spend promote our current farming practices?
We've been given a new liscense to farm. It's also a license to print money. If we quit fighting the trend and produce what these dummies want food would become a lot more scarce and worth a lot more. I don't know how we got tricked into thinking it's our obligation to produce as much as possible.
I agree that trying to stop the tide of misinformation, especially that motivated by those who will profit from it, appears to be almost hopeless. There is too much of it and they have a terrific head start. The consumer is always right, (even when they are totally ignorant). So we give them what they want, or at least the appearance of doing so...........and find an innovative way to make it profitable. They wanted it cheap the last time and we found a way to do that. So this is production 2.0.......
It's a good video,mkeep posting it Agriville!
These productions take a lot of time and money, targeted, steady, consistent message is meaningful and important for agriculture.
Pulses are the UN theme this year, that's a meaningful message and story. "Pulses are the new quinoa " ? Hope it's not a fad, chia, gluten free etc. People do have to eat something, and I'm not switching to barley grass any time soon.
The mustard growers produced or were involved in a tv production a few years ago, it was also well done, and a great story. I wonder how many times it's been watched on line or else where in the last year, to bad they get buried so quick.
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