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God Bless Saskatchewan

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    Well you better book it all in then Robert. All 10 cents. Lmao!!!

    Where do the profits they make go? And it's a hell of a lot more than 10 cents.

    No one seems to know what happens to the grain these foreigners grow and send out on producer cars direct back over seas. How do they pay taxes on that?



      Agriville is an open forum and everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I have lived and farmed my entire life in Manitoba. I personally think Manitoba is a great province to live, farm and raise a family. Unlike you Klaus, my feelings towards the province don't changed based on the political party who is governing.

      You come on here with a huge chip on you shoulders regarding Manitoba, and on many occasions have bad mouthed it, when ever opportuntiy arises. You don't live in Manitoba anymore so keep you negative thoughts about it to yourself. I don't live in Sk but my wife is from the SE corner, and I think it's a great province and would never run it down on any public forum. I hear from her family about the same problems we have in Manitoba. They complain about their highways constantly and say both provinces have many highway issues. So that answers your 1- 4 points.

      Point 5 is correct so I'll leave that one alone.

      Point 6, I'll be honest, I see both sides on this one so I'm on the fence.

      Point 7, very broad statement on your part, so can you give examples.

      Point 8, I don't agree with you on this but, all can I say to that is the total population of MB. is 1.2 million, of that 735,000 live in Wpg. Having said that, my farm has all the necessary infrascture and services I can expect for a small rural community, and I'm happy with what I have. My relatives in SE Sask have complained about their poor service in rural SK regarding policing, doctor availability, roads, etc etc. So please don't make it sound like rural Sk is any better than rural Manitoba.

      POINT 9
      When you talk about work ethic, you use the example of building roads. So that's your analysis of the work ethic in Manitoba, road construction? Talk about painting Manitoba with a broad brush. I think anybody wanting to get ahead works hard no matter what province they are from. How you figure that Sk people have better work ethic than MB is baseless and shows a lack knowledge of the people of Manitoba.

      Points 10-15 i have no comment because I just don't know about those issues.

      As for pride with in Manitoba how do you know, when you haven't lived here in 5 years. I'm a proud Manitoban and everybody I know feels the same way as I do, and unlike you still live here.
      Klaus, again you don't live in Manitoba anymore so keep your B.S thoughts about it to yourself.


      You farm in Manitoba, yet you agree with all of Klaus' statement. Do you you have a backbone?


        You can view your world through a hyper partisan lens but I think most people find hyper partisanship pretty annoying whether you are right or left.

        When I point out that most farmers are happy to receive their AgriInvest matching deposit courtesy of taxpayers you seem to forget that this is a form of socialist wealth transfer.


          Had to laugh, Saw a post asking "what can the government do to help young farmers?" I thought to myself they already do quite a bit in terms of providing credit and crop ins.

          I think the best thing they could do is get out of the way.


            So riders your saying you'd take .10 less? you are a dumb ass if you have 100000 bushels that's one hell of a holiday somewhere.


              Well next week it ll be 20 cents higher somewhere else so up your ass dumb smartass! Lol
              Or do you just support the Saudis because it was a giveaway for oil. Lol


                I hope it will be $1.00 more !lol


                  I moved from Alberta in 2009 and I love Saskatchewan. Do some roads need fixed? Of course. Is there some funny business with land around Regina? Sure. Could things be improved? Yes. But in my opinion we live in the best country in the world and Saskatchewan is the best province in this country. It's a free country we can all live wherever we want. I choose Saskatchewan.


                    I thought Alberta was God's Country.....or was the advertising slogan about the Alberta Advantage like John Deere's advertising campaign about them being best?

                    farmaholic reporting from the slum.....

                    Weather next....Today Alberta's blowin and Manitoba's sucking....explains the strong winds today


                      i could come on here everyday and tell all the government screwups here in manitoba,that is whining,its a well know fact government are the most ineffeciet poeple and its not going to change until someone with balls get rid of unions and let the better workers move up to the higher positions and run things right,these engeneers in manitoba are srewing up just about everything and we are paying app 3 times more then we should for projects.there are two coffee shops in town i use to go to, not any more,i stay away from the whiners.the stupid things that go on with government isnt gonna change.look at the background of a lot of ndp in manitoba,they are losers.i try and have fun,life is short.in manitoba we are sending poeple to school to become stupid.


                        Could we all agree that it would really suck to live in Brooks ab,if i was mayor of that place id have free bingo every 2nd night.


                          I spent two weeks working in Brooks. Turned down next job I was offered there.


                            Well forage, I've lived in Mb most of my long life, 5 years in Regina and i year in Lethbridge.
                            Mb is not as bad as Ontario and Quebec from what I can see, but our gov't is so rotten that they don't even try to hide it, and BiPole proves it. Add on that provincial helicopter deal costing 10 times what it should. Then government tenders kept secret, sometimes work not even tendered, just awarded. I drove OTR 7 years through the states and one winter Minny was putting in new overpasses on 694, "ring road" of Minny. They shut down the south side one weekend and put in 6 overpasses and opened on Monday. Then did the same on north 694 another weekend. Here a small bridge on hi way 3 took 2 years, and was covered in so they could "work" on it in the winter. Absolutely no government authority on collusion and unfair trade practices, 91.9 for reg gas with oil at $US36 per barrel. The legal system for sale, try going to court to protect your property and get shellacked. The education system in public schools is a joke, kids know its better to get a gov job like Dads than an education. There's more, the opposition doesn't bring any of this up in the upcoming election.
                            But, still better than some provinces.
                            I always say, the best people in the world live in Saskatchewan. Drop in to any small town restaurant and sit down and have a friendly conversation with anyone, only parts of Mb like that, lots of places your likely ignored after a "hello".


                              Good post Klause, you have identified a lot of truth about what we take for granted in Saskatchewan.
                              We have reduced the ratio of Saskawhiners to Saskawinners which is noticeable in the attitude in the province. 👍

                              Hopefully Manitoba can take the first step to being a great province again and rid themselves of their socialist regime and culture of defeatism that is holding them back.
                              Last edited by Oliver88; Apr 9, 2016, 21:30.


                                I posted this thread on here because there's so many guys complaining about this that and the next thing... the message was supposed to be "be thankful for what you have".

                                Manitoba has plenty of good... and yes it is far better than other provinces...

                                Forage, my Dad still lives in Dauphin. I haul to Bunge Altona routinely....

                                grassfarmer is right... where you are is how you build your judgment... Dauphin is one of the roughest places to grow up and live... I'll take Lac La Biche over it any day.

                                There's some good areas like Rivers, Brandon, Altona/Winkler/Morden (If you're Mennonite)....

                                Big thing, as someone else pointed out, in Sask, anyone will strike up a conversation... There's way less racism and "this is my town get out" mentality than large areas of Manitoba...


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