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God Bless Saskatchewan

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    I've found Manitoba to be very welcoming and the people friendly wherever I've gone. That has been one of the most noticeable differences from Alberta.



      You stated:

      " Here a small bridge on hi way 3 took 2 years, and was covered in so they could "work" on it in the winter. Absolutely no government authority on collusion and unfair trade practices, 91.9 for reg gas with oil at $US36 per barrel."

      On Highway #12 4 bridges were built in two summers, two bridges per summer. I don't find anything wrong with that. Besides in most cases it's private contractors building the bridges, not sure what that has to do with the provincial government?

      I go to SE SK to visit the in-laws 3-4 times a year and when I cross the MB-Sk border the gas pump price immediately increases 3-5 cents per litre. The MB provincial sales tax on gas is 14cents/litre while in SK it's 15cents/litre. So not sure what you mean by your statement above when SK provincial gas tax is higher than MB.


      Your message " be thankful for what you have", is very true. But, your method of running down MB to make SK look good with your inaccurate perceptions is not the best way of doing it.


        Take a look in the mirror forage! The way you've run down alta and canada in the past under conservative gov. has been ridiculous! Klause speaks the truth and your calling him a liar!? He's covered more ground than most people, i'll take his word over yours everytime.


          Have to remember klaus moved from interlake area of flatland floods and frost were the two main crop options. To humboldt in an area where crop is most likely a sure thing. Situated in the middle if terminals potash etc. Life would look a lot better.


            Riders, what does that have to do with the prov. spending extra needless BILLIONS on bi-pole, poor health care, hallway medicine, 36 billion deficit, very poor roads ( especially southern half of prov. ) highest number per capita of gov. employees in the country, poorest test scores in the country ( people are going to school here to get stupid! ) burdensome regulation, moratorium on any hog barn building in the prov., no economic activity in the prov., high tax rate ( the personal tax exemption is approx. $4,000. higher in sask. ) etc. etc.


              Forage the fuel think mistifies me. Dad and I talk about it often. Price of gas in Dauphin is 4 to 9 cents higher than here... consistently. However we are way lower than Estevan or Weyburn or moosomin. Not sure what aeffects that.

              Highest price for clear diesel in Western Canada is around Winnipeg. Always. That's why our semis get filled in Gladstone when we haul down there or back from there.

              As far as running MB down I'm calling it as I see it. I've lived, payed taxes, and worked in MB Sk and Ab...

              Oh yeah.. reason #0 above #1 is sask girls. God bless my wifey



                Learn to read, I run down governments, not the people living with in the provinces. I never made the comments about work ethic, pride, friendliness and racism about any other area with in Canada here on Agriville. That's the comments made by Klaus about Manitobans. Stonepicker, maybe Klaus is right about pride, you farm in MB and he run's you down and your to naive to realize he referring to you as well. The thing about Klaus is, he carries a big chip on his shoulders about Manitoba, didn't like farming where he was so he runs down the rest of the province every chance he can here on Agriville.

                Stonepicker, frankly I could give a rats ass what you think about me. You come on Agrivlle nothing more than a CHEERLEADER, agreeing with posters that have the same political view as your's and adding a little smart as remark here and there. Funny, I'm not the first to make that comment either, other posters have said the same thing about you. It's so easy to agree with the masses on Agriville for you Stonepicker it takes a lot balls on your part. I bet face to face your nothing but a yes man!!!! Have a good day


                  Should clarify... while wpg had the most expensive fuel Gladstone Neepawa Mcgregor down to pilot mound is probably the cheapest outside of Edmonton.

                  Forage I have lots of friends in Manitoba yet... most agree and no I don't have a chip on my shoulder... it is what it is.

                  Winnipeg can't build a stadium or a police headquarter without cops a scandal and buildings falling apart... you just don't hear of that out here or at least not on every effing project.

                  When we were looking to move we were going to stay in MB and buy a place in Pilot Mound.... opportunities were better out here... opinions were formed from seeing how things are. You are so blinded by hate for me you keep saying the same thing over and over hoping it becomes true. Anyway happy Sunday I'm done on here spending a date day with wifey


                    Hmm forage, you don't run down people? What about harper, ritz etc., they live in canada. You've used pretty descriptive language about them and others. People tell you the facts and you always have the typical leftwing response, you put your hands over your ears while yelling insults at other people, are you one of these people that are still blaming the filmon gov. of 19 years ago for the problems mb. has now? I guess you don't see what people write about you on here forage? Put your head back in the sand would ya! Oh and no klause didn't offend me. I'm not offended by the truth, but again right away, someone makes a generalization and you turn it into a fact about every living person. I can describe you in one word. obtuse. Have a good day.



                      I don't hate you as I don't even know you, but when you come on here insulting me as a Manitoba I'm not going to reply with a warm a fuzzy little comment stating your right just because we believe in the same political party. That's for Facebook with it's like button.

                      Enjoy your Sunday with your SK wife, we both have that in common at least.


                        Klause SK Wife oil woorker hem sounds like 2 reasons to move to Sk and niether one has to do with farming or politics .. Hows that trucking doing still better than oil money?


                          Your bang on klause except for the crop ins. coverage in our area anyway. NDP have created a third world toilet here. Stalinger is more worried about Pallister being successful than fixing our problems.


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