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News out of Edmonton

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    News out of Edmonton

    I guess good news doesn't travel as fast as bad or there would be lots of comments on Rachel Notley's speech at the NDP Conference. It's all over social media the fact that she made the speech of her career - standing up for AB's energy sector, insisting on the need for pipelines and verbally shredding the Leap Manifesto.
    As one critic said "There is no way after the speech Notley gave today that anyone can accuse her of being anti-Alberta, anti-pipelines, or not standing up for Albertans and still keep a straight face."

    You can listen to the speech here:[URL="http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/662538307953"]http://http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/662538307953[/URL]


    Myself preservation will make people say anything. Lol


      Grass farmer give me a break. Standing up against that manifesto is an accomplishment? That's just a given. But keep trying


        In that party that probably was quite a statement. Time will tell what the follow through is. But if she deserves some credit for saying it then she does.
        Would anyone prefer she praised the manifesto?


          ...seems to me if the song sung isn't from the same hymn book as "your preacher's congregation"...it has no merit or can't/won't be acknowledged?


            ;-)...Gotta love those that can't bear anything other than totally right of center....


              If Alberta can come out of economic la la land, we can hope that Canada and the Trudeau government will do the same.


                The only good news is here is that reality has intervened and forced the Notely government away from their destructive far left agenda. Now if they were to abandon carbon taxes, cancel plans to shutter Alberta's good coal fired generating stations, and come up with a budget that did not bury the kids in debt, then I will be impressed.


                  Don't think her agenda was ever really far left..that's what I liked about it...as far as debt, really, the former gov had way more to do with that than her.
                  I will agree I don't want to see her..(or any gov) with more than 2 terms, but do believe in giving credit where credit is due....and slagging to those who also deserve it, not just because of their leanings.


                    I agree ajl...one thing is for sure, if Notley doesn't change she won't be Premier after the next election.
                    I think that her so-called advisors have been giving really bad advice for a while and didn't read Albertans very well.

                    Albertans had to get rid of the PCers as they were just too corrupt but we are not going to embrace the new political philosophy carte blanc without questioning or giving the okay.
                    We are not sheep even if the last 44 years of PC rule might disprove that notion.


                      In the past Premier Notley and Shannon Phillips have demonstrated against pipelines so I find it very hard to believe they support them now. Will never support a carbon tax, Germany has promoted a green energy transition without one.


                        That's quite a turnaround for notely, from campaighning against oil and pipelines to now supporting them. I give her credit for changing her mind, time will tell if it was just lip service or boots on the ground.


                          Will some of you anti NDs or anti carbontax people tell w me what is the difference between paying 9 cents to the oil cos or to the province. 9 cents is 9 cents,there is a posibility we may get something for our tax but not a dam thing from oil cos. Well mabey some more bonuses for the over worked and under paid oil patch employes.


                            Originally posted by Hamloc View Post
                            In the past Premier Notley and Shannon Phillips have demonstrated against pipelines so I find it very hard to believe they support them now. Will never support a carbon tax, Germany has promoted a green energy transition without one.
                            This is a very shocking for politicians to hold such important roles in an oil producing province. It will be a lesson learned for Albertans that yes it can be worse and to background check party leaders for anti-energy agendas.

                            Notley failed to achieve her goal of getting a social license for building pipelines by incorporating a carbon tax in Alberta. The "carbon tax" didn't even achieve a "social license" with the federal NDP. This is a huge failure and will be part of her demise in the next election.
                            The Alberta NDP will fry in the next provincial election but this endorsement of the Leap Manifesto by the NDP convention will add fuel to the fire.

                            We have a lot to be thankful for living in Saskatchewan where we have a government proud of oil, gas, potash, uranium and modern agriculture. Alberta seems to be ashamed of the resources that have made them successful.
                            Last edited by Oliver88; Apr 10, 2016, 13:07.


                              *** spare us the paid political announcement.
                              Free ride is paid off oil puppet. Who doesn't give a rats ass about agriculture or anything else.


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