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Trade Agreements

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    Trade Agreements

    Populist protectionism is supported by different POTUS candidates.
    In Canada, Liberal and Conservative parties support TPP and European deal though present government could be a bit more enthusiastic.
    Unions and left wing radicals put the NDP in the same camp with U.S. popular opinion.
    Kudos to most of our farm organizations for speaking out in support of trade.
    We still have CFA dragging its feet on supply management and marketing boards.

    Have you really looked into some of those trade deals...I believe, TPP says if any law prohibits foreign investors from making money, they have a claim....if a foreign company wants to bring in foreign workers for a project, no problem...is this what we want. If I am wrong, please advise....even Trump is saying too many jobs are given away with "free trade"...you never get anything for free, there is a price to pay!


      If you think TPP is bad for the agriculture industry on the prairie provinces then you're on crack. Sure it hurts supply management out east but that's an archaic system that's has consumers paying more for the same product!


        The idea of free trade should be positive but it's not a free trade deal it's a deal with all kinds of conditions and trade offs.
        The countries that need to eat will buy our grain and products regardless if there is a piece of paper saying it s okey. Haven't looked at the whole deal for grain but I know for livestock it guarantees quotas for other countries to sell beef here. Wtf???? And when your competing with countries where the wages are pennies an hour??
        More and more people of all political stripes are saying the deals favour other countries and not us or the USA.


          No, Saskcan or can't.. it is a good deal for agriculture. And very good for my industry, the cattle business....but I am not sure of the "whole picture"...if we win, but others lose, we eventually lose as well.
          It shouldn't be about us...it should be for the good of all...or at least most!


            The CETA and TPP being implemented will be a benefit for western Canadian farmers.

            Canadian currently has a 38.5% tariff with Japan.
            Canola also faces serious tariffs when shipped to TPP member countries.


              If you think TPP is bad for the agriculture industry on the prairie provinces then you're on crack. Sure it hurts supply management out east but that's an archaic system that's has consumers paying more for the same product!


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