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    I don't mind paying milage(well I do but I grin and bear it). What really grinds my gears is when you tell them what is wrong and what parts they will need, yet they show up, then do a 30 minute diagnosis, then run back to the shop for the same parts I told them to bring in the first place. Then they have the balls to charge for 2 service calls.


      Are we really saying the price of grain isn't keeping up? Actually the price of living is through the roof so to speak, the big deal to bring in foreigners to own land which has increased land values has made farmers rich, hasn t it? not really when you look at the cost of everything that has risen because of and with it. Canola should be 15 bucks. wheat 10


        The positive economics of grain farming exceed the cost of equipment. Most farmers have way more capacity and way newer equipment then they ever need.


          The new equipment is designed so that you can't fix it yourself.


            Farm,more of the designed to fail theory. Brother new about that before me engineer and all could see right threw the bullshit. Not much profit in a refrigerator that lasts a life time let alone a vehicles. They actually know how many times you can open a car door before something snaps.

            The theory I'm working on is more obtuse and my own because well we are in uncharted waters. Zero interest rate policy has zero reference in Keynes books

            I'm sure tweety or someone will kick me in the face saying you don't have a clue to which I could only reply your probably right but doesn't mean I'm not going to try to understand

            One thing is for sure something is happening


              And actually tweetys last post is dead on but it alloys across the board. Massive over capacity.

              Zirp gave us demand and capacity pulled forward.

              I can't believe I missed it but in my defence I really thought the wheels spun off when the debt was monetized.

              Even in arguments now I point to the sky and say the god damn debt is monetized. And nobody seems to care


                I had the same argument with our local big name tire repair shop about 6 years ago. They got a new fancy Dancy, probably $100000 truck. At that time they started charging $2/km both ways and full wages from the shop. I told them that was ridiculous. My livestock trucker only charged me $2/km one way and guess what, nothing extra for wages! And that was with his $250000 rig burning 3 times the fuel! Was I ever mad. But learned to live with it.


                  Well tweety your last post nails it - I agree .
                  We farmed 4000 AC with one class 6 combine and one 50 ft drill - done on time 90% of the time.
                  I know guys with 70 ft drills - 500 hp tractors and class 9's that struggle with that acreage now per outfit. No better crops BTW . That prob 10x investment what we did .
                  But one thing still remains true , they are still fukin the average guy now, absolutely no one can deny that - I am in AG retail as well and have been for 20 years - it's getting far worse and you are an ostrich with your head in the sand to think otherwise . Some farms have done well yes but not all. Unfortunately the market only looks at the top 10% to price off regardless of real world circumstances.


                    What are charges for oils services now ? Kinda think down 50% or so.
                    A good example is trucking equipment - well it's 50% cheaper to do so today than a year ago - why ?. Time is ticking on Ag - very fast. I am tired of paying for ag workers with $150,000 boats and numerous toys while I bust my ass to make things work. Some of these guys have no more than 6 months training - it's outa hand but will be no different than the oil patch boom shortly.
                    It would be all great if we all could live like trump off someone else but reality will bite sooner than later.
                    I am not wishing doom and gloom , but those in play better look in the mirror


                      Furrow.. we had kinda a shitty crop compared to what we were used to. Inputs never fell for me but the guy who had a good crop could better afford the current input prices. It's the shits when you realize that commodity prices will not likely rise enough to make every acre profitable because of low production.

                      So I still have to pay what the market will bear for inputs, regardless if they're priced for above average production or not.


                        The gold mining industry is a good barometer because it's simple and easily track able more stable with fewer variables like farming but still aplies to what we do.

                        I don't like what I see across the sectors but luckily people have to eat,as long as they have money to pay for it


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