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PC majority in Manitoba

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    PC majority in Manitoba

    Free at last.

    Bud lite and me celebrating 29


      Congratulations Manitoba you finally have the walls coming down. The Iron curtain is gone. Oh wait this is Canada and the NDP.
      Funny Alberta is now Red Square and Saskatchewan and Manitoba are free at last.


        Congratulations Manitoba on kicking the socialists to the curb.

        Saskatchewan now has a good ally vs all the left wing loonie premiers from down east and unfortunately Alberta for 3 more years.


          yes. lets see if the blue can walk the walk and just not talk. seems to be the norm no matter which turn. as usual time will tell.


            Yes it is hard to miss the irony of Alberta being the last stronghold of the NDP in Canada. WTF.


              The NDP got what they deserved for lying and mismanagement. We will now see if Mr. Pallister can tell the truth and govern for all Manitobans.


                So its the winds of change.

                Now Alberta will suck and Manitoba will blow. Sask is stuck in the middle again.


                  And the truth is a sad story, a deep hole to climb out of.


                    Still happy to be in Alberta!
                    I am sure the lack of moisture is an ND problem, but I will hand in there.....


                      Congratulations to Brian Pallister and the PC's.
                      Tremendous presentation from Mr.Pallister on the win.


                        The Manitoba NDP under Selinger I think went a little too far in taxing and spending and payed the price. Glad to see the Tory win, Congradulations!

                        A couple of thoughts in Alberta Perfecho. First the NDP was going to balance the books in 2 years, then 3, then 4 and now maybe 2024, I predict they never will be able to if given the chance. Also interesting to note that Calgary has had to raise its municipal tax increase in the coming year from 3.5% to 6.1% due to a steep increase in the education portion of the tax set by the provincial government. Also seems inconceivable to me that the NDP expect Albertans to believe we will change our consumption patterns when 60% of payers of the carbon tax will have it rebated back based on income. All socialists do is tax tax tax and spend spend spend end of rant. Have a good day:-)


                          I get what you are saying Hamloc..tend to agree, but I am still pissed that we are even in this spot. Too many corporate giveaways, tax concessions, not collecting tax, etc..etc. Basically its been a socialist government previously, but for the oil companies.
                          the previous Klein deficit killer, has actually put us in this spot...infra structure costs at triple the cost....due to competing with a vibrant oilfield economy. I believe, when economy is good, slow down infrastructure, put money away and keep people working when economy slows down..IMHO.
                          So, although I am not in total agreement with them, think they are the best poison for now...and see how things play out. Maybe one more term, maybe not...but certainly no more!
                          I am thankful the Wild didn't get in...think we would really be in trouble....


                            And think the Troy win in Manitoba is likely a good thing, although admit to not know much about their situation.....



                              Maybe all the shiesters will move to manitoba from Alberta and saskatchewan.

                              Although the voters in saskatchewan gave them a stay with Wall to stick around and thieve for a while.


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