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What Will This War Mean To Our Markets?

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    What Will This War Mean To Our Markets?

    I was wondering if the stand our government has taken is going to close the door sooner and or harder to cattle/meat/grain. Short Term/ Long Term. Any comments here fellas?

    Maybe worse, boone, will be when our finance minister lines up on Wall Street with his little briefcase to borrow some more on Canada's operating loan (deficit). (We won't even talk about the debt!)

    Could be the interest rates for loans will be sky high! Or a refusal, as what happened to New Zealand. They went home with zero operating money and they couldn't pay their policeman nor their garbage men.

    We are a minute away from that scenario.




      There is little question that trade with the US on food products will become more difficult and costly.

      England could well be in the same position...

      I wonder, how much Ag/Food Products we sell to France or Germany?

      THe greater question is, in the UN, France, Germany, Russia, China, Mexico, and the other security council members are serious about this war being illegal, then why hasn't a resoulution stating this is the factual case, been brought forward in the UN?

      Seems to me, these countries are standing by and letting the US do their dirty work, as France and Germany will be the biggest benificiaries of a dismantling of Iraqi weapons and the installation of a democratic gov. IMHO!


        I keep hearing how much trade Canada doe with the US. Yesterday it was quoted at 730 billion.

        How much does the US do into Canada does anyone know?



          I see this on CBC;

          "In the House of Commons, Canadian Alliance Leader Stephen Harper expressed shock that the Liberals would consider expelling Cellucci when they've refused a U.S. request to expel Iraq's only diplomatic representative in Canada. "Why does the prime minister not grasp that his stance is deeply injurious to our national interest?""

          My understanding is that diplomats are responsible to convey, clearly, the national opinion they are there to represent!

          Ironic... that Liberals are so immature they want to shoot the messenger, instead of listening and admitting, the truth sometimes hurts!


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