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Happy Mother's Day.....

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    Happy Mother's Day.....

    To all the Agriville Moms.

    If you're lucky enough to still have her here.....take a moment to tell her how much you appreciate all she's done for you.
    Last edited by farmaholic; May 8, 2016, 10:12.

    Amen to that. Without mothers none of us would be


      Well Farma, I would say by the look of replies, everyone is to busy seeding to worry about there mothers. Kudos to you for mentioning it on here. Have never once worked on a Sunday on Mothers day. Always spent the day with her. She is now in a home with dementia,however we still all get together for a meal, then all go and spend a few hours with her. Thanks again for posting this thread.


        Let the drill sit today. Mothers and mothers to be are more important. Happy mom day!!


          Most farm Moms (your mother and the mother of your children) understand the business and if you have to go, you go.

          I got one of the best....


            Called my mom today. I don't deserve her. Very blessed that she is my mom. She somehow held our family together through some rough days. Funny, until you have your own kids, you have no idea the love a parent has for their children, and what we as kids put them through!


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