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Cool week ahead .

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    -5 for tomorrow night here. Frost almost every night this week. and a lot of people seeded in April.


      A -4 with lots of dew - not bad , -4 with no dew or recent rain - very bad .


        Monday high of 7 for us cool no very cold. That's the high.


          wasn't there guys on here seeding in mid March ? or had niegbours that were ? that stuff must be headed out now ?


            put just a smiggen of heat in the sprayer keep em cozy n warm


              Where are we at with the moon phase?


                Too cold...too wet..too windy..too dry..too hot..dam..too late..no spring is ever perfect.


                  Back around May 1 st did anyone predict , Drew or anyone else, predict 4-5 very cold nights from May 10 th to the 14 th ?
                  All I heard in the chatter was above normal .
                  If this cold was better predicted 10 days ago would guys have risked seeding canola earlier ?
                  That's the issue here , one can have all the high tech seeding outfits , throw all the groceries to er to the square foot - but what's it worth with the inaccuracies of 10 to 14 day weather forecasts ?
                  Inputs , especially canola seed , are very expensive, time is priceless and moisture now limited for reseed ..


                    Not much different than last year , if it was known that it was going to freeze hard on the 18th , most canola would not have gone in till after the 15th.
                    Before I get butchered here , I know there is no perfect seeding date for canola and each area can be widely different , just pointing out that better forecasting could save a lot of grief and frustrated farmers. To me it's worth more than all the fancy tech available to us


                      I do not think there will ever be highly accurate 2 week forecasts. Until we control the weather, ( I know, Justin thinks we can and are), it can shift and change a lot in a few days let alone a few weeks. So then you go by your general area historical averages.

                      We live in too far a fickle area of the world to put faith in a forecast, or expect the forecasting that far out to be highly accurate ever.

                      For here, canola is a good bet after mid May.


                        Last year many farmers canola froze out at the end of May. They went out and reseeded in June all the way to June 4. Rough estimates were about 66,000 acres. Their canola crops went 60-72 bushels per acre.


                          Yup , almost anything can happen once in a lifetime .


                            Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
                            Yup , almost anything can happen once in a lifetime .


                              Nothing gets seeded too early here. Usual scenario April arrives and I get the drill and sprayer ready and it's like yeah gonna start May 1. Then there's all these cows around to deal with. Usually harrow everything too and by about May 10 I'm seeding. No fear of too early planting canola but that June frost years ago killed a lot of the early guys stuff and set my stuff back. Frost was late enough guys were blowing on polish to make something of it.


                                Hopefully this is the usual end of May cold snap and the rest of May is frost free after Friday .


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