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CWB Long Term Forecast Released

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    Surely the CWB is not just a price taker, getting the price for the day of delivery to the customer. Hopefully, they are using some judgement tools and pricing mechanisms to cover the crops to be grown. My understanding of the wheat board all along has been that they are one big farm manager, using all of the prairies grain and marketing it in as efficient a manner as possible.

    Using the above assumption, most astute farm managers have presold a bunch of expected production before seeding also. In the case of the drought last year a lot of farmers had presold some grain in the spring at a much lower price than the fall price, yet they never had enough production to exceed the amount prepriced in the spring and had no grain left to sell into the higher fall prices.

    I have wondered all fall and winter if this has happened to the CWB also.

    Maybe I am confused, and the CWB just sell grain at the spot price when customers come knocking at the door, and just average the price out over the year. Is there any proactive grain pricing that occurs?


      Thanks for the weather forcast CWB. A marketer you ar not and you do a great injustice to the farmers of Western Canada with your grim reaper forcast. Thanks Again you bone heads.



        I second that motion...

        The CWB TELLS us they are here to "extract a premium" and "maximise Western Canadian wheat and barley producer's returns".

        I fail to understand how perdicting feed barley and wheat farm gate prices...

        for fall 2003... at 60% of hedgeable values... is constructive of helpful...

        THIS CWB practice is very destuctive and sickening!

        Does the CWB think we are total...?

        Is this respect for our property?



          You ask the billion dollar question.

          The CWB for the most part does run the wheat and barley pools like a giant farm. They use market tools on your behalf and pay farmers out on the results.

          Under these assumptions, how should the performance of the CWB be evaluated as to whether they have done a good job? What evidence is they sell above market prices?

          Curious to as to whether you will be using the new CWB producer pricing options?



            Is there any wonder why we in Alberta import corn?

            With forcasts of doom for feed grains by the CWB, mistrust and instability the operative sentiment... instead of growing our feed stocks for value added processing in Alberta, we are destroying our AG infrastructure by destabilising the feed stocks supply so badly our whole Ag industry has become disfunctional!

            We need $5.00/bu malt barley contracts... so farmers will grow barley... the risk reward MUST be profitable for my, or I and my commercial farmer partners will grow something other than barley!

            If we don't plant barley... we must import corn!


              Boone you are a CWB employee. No one else of sound mind could be sold on the worst than average price that the CWB calls a premium. Have you long to retiremnet, I would guess not.

              Henbent: You a were a school teacher before your farming career.
              That could be the only reason for your socialistic attitude toward life. I'am sure the CWB was developed to protect idiots like yourself from inflicting financial ruin upon yourself.

              But remember the CWB monoploy was bestowed upon us back in 1943 to keep the price of wheat down. I must admit that it has been very successfull in doing so with its government given mandate.

              Just to be frank Henbent I don't think you could market a glass of water to and Iraqi right now.


                kernel; thanks for the flattery here.(wink,nod)it's been along time since I was an employee of anyones. As far as retirement I've got a few years left unless we receive certification for GM wheat, then I'm done. It may as well be sooner than later, and avoid the rush. No kernel I'm just a "SON OF THE SOIL" like you will be too, once you get your nose bloodied proper by some of your silly notions. Not wishing you any hard luck (sincerely) but opportunity is like that. She just lies in the weeds enjoying the day.



                  Frustration creates conflict... and the recent CWB PRO's are certainly frustration for everyone... who had produced grain this year anyway.

                  I cannot blame Boone or Henbent for my lack of communication ability (on convincing CWB issues)... I can only blame myself... for I can only change what I do, not what anyone else does!

                  From what I see, Henbent doesn't care about what the CWB did with our grain this year... cause he didn't have to have the CWB to sell for him.

                  Boone has been honest... shown his frustration with the CWB... but Kernel, most folks don't see things so radically "BLACK" or "WHITE" as what we do... this could come with age... the school of hard knocks... any number of situations.

                  We will survive Kernel... a hug for you, Boone, and Henbent!


                    Boone Boone Boone: With the bloody nose. Please state why, a know nothing like my self would market wheat through a marketing agency that pools my grain with other losers that makes a statement like this.

                    " It was found after and independent study (The oftened employed Dr. R. Grey) that 59 months out of 60 months the CWB sold durham at a premium to USA prices. CWRS Wheat however sold at average to above average 50% of the time."

                    Now would you select a grain buyer who supported a record such as this to market your HRS in an open market. If you sell half your crop at less then average price you need help wouldn't you say?

                    You and Henbent past by logical questions because you believe in an unbenchmarked marketing system that makes unfound statements continuely on their marketing expertise that is very questionable at best.

                    Any premium captured by the CWB is lost by a $1.00 worth by the time it would get to the farm gate. The CWB is good at promotion of a product but that ends their abilities of any expertise over anyother bald faced farm boy.

                    Thoughs who would claim to be experts should be suspected of lying. Theres alot being said about bigger isn't better and I'am suggesting that the CWB is continuing in a monoploy that should be released to individual managers for risk management and price transparency sake.


                      kernel; do you mean turning it over to individuals like the Federal Gov did with our CPP (CDN Pension Plan)to stockbrokers to perform the miracle of individual insight. You had better check out the account balance on that brainwave. You know kernel I like you. You remind me of a young pup I had around here, everytime he ran out on the road I waited for him to come back to the barn and I would lock him up, till he had time to consider his individualism. Well I never changed his mind, but a truck did. If you don't want the board to market your wheat grow feed wheat. There I can't put it any plainer than that. OceanSpray doesn't care what you and I think about selling Cranberries, they are a very old group of farmers that have decided their destiny, when they decide to change they may or may not ask us I don't know. The wheat board is like OceanSpray if you want to grow that type of crop you will market it accordingly.Even if you live in Alberta.


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