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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

    Well Friday is here and it seems some got rain, some received not much and some got the lets build a ARK.
    We were in the camp that got some, Actually just over 3/4 of a inch and water is laying around all over the place. Not needed but oh well we will take it.
    So as of today we have got to 40% done. Best seeding conditions by far were this spring. If all would have went as planned Plant 16 would have been over by the 19th or 18th of May. Oh well plans are fun, goals are fun but now we have to realign. Most in our area are at the 40 to 60% done. Yes some are just started and some are getting close to end.
    So here it is.

    HRS is up on some of the early fields seeded or just peaking out. Cool temps will slow but most seem to have had good germination before the rain. No one was complaining about needing rain in our area. Spraying will continue after it warms up but the odd field might not get done a burn off or after seeding spray because the timing and wind. Yes it is true Case sprayers like all sprayers can go in a Hurricane. Any idiot can drive around but the pulse system drifts as bad as regular so guys put your Case sprayers away because guess what drifting Glyphos and Express on Canola fields causes issues. Weed pressure isn't that bad up till now if a fall application was done.

    Peas are poking out on early seeded fields. Guys were going strong rolling the ground after seeding. Lots of peas, Lots of peas is all I will say.

    Barley is seeded and could be poking out. Tonight could be interesting if temps and day time highs are as predicted. We had a barley crop one year that was up, froze mid May and really never recovered. fingers Crossed.

    Canola will be seeded starting Sunday or Monday the 16th as that is our usual in normal conditions start date. Some guys have some Canola in the ground but only south of town and valley are crops up. Frost could be a issue tomorrow morning on these fields.

    Lentils are almost a non issue in our area.

    Soy will be a few acres but for us it looks like zero this year to maybe 80.

    Oats is our wild card and it looks like the seed that is cleaned will stay in the bin for a year or get sold.

    So over all the rain event was not as idiotic as other years and most are thinking how lucky we are to have maybe left the flood zone once and for all. 3/4 you can live with but usually a rain event like this would have given us the 4 inches. So maybe the rain zone has moved another 100 miles West. Great then you can keep it.
    So to all working hard remember its just a crop and the ones at home are more important than rushing and getting hurt. So be safe and enjoy seeding. Wow funny how not being stuck 5 to 6 times a day and going round and round in circles makes you hate seeding vs this years finally a mile up and back and once in a while a little wet spot.
    Ah farming what are others at, your area, what's seeded and how are condition's.

    Crop is 80% in the ground. Some durum and lentils are up. virtually no canola up in this area. Was the nicest seeding in years. fields look good and germination before the rain was for the most part good. After three inches it will be a few days before we get going and some of the ground will have a few sloughs but all in all the rain was very welcome. Some were seeding very deep this year. Will be interesting to see how that crop emerges after this rain.


      Forgot one crop, Yes the Durum is seeded and just poking out of the ground. If dry year it will be great to be back with durum if wet it will be acres lost. Time will tell.


        I think the days of 50cent HRS Durum spread are back. Just not worth taking on the fusarium risk and other Durum quality problems in my eyes. Better burn er black after fus and watch all that fertilizer go up in smoke.


          On a trip to town, 15 miles, I saw one field seeded. A high, well sloped field. Area probably less than a percent done. Creeks running again.I personally had not a single field that was remotely close before the rain.

          Maybe I can combine on the frost tomorrow. ha

          Crossed the half done lambing mark last night. Rewarding, stress free, beautiful.


            We are just shy of 1/2 done. Moisture was more than welcome. Wheat is just poking through and peas and barley have been seeded but not up yet. Thin layer of ice on dogs water dish this morning but tonight will be the coldest if it clears off. Hay and pastures should jump with the next heat we get. Have a chance to rent some new breaking land but needs some work this first year. It has been disked once but pretty soddy. Thinking about getting a custom guy to come in and and do a pass with his salford? Any thoughts would be appreciated. It was grass/pasture for many years. Not sure if I want the hassle to clean it up but it would add acres to help reduce fixed costs.


              nearing 20% some wheat and barley up in the community. I'm guessing all the
              canola is in the bag yet. Memories of last year.
              28 mm here since Tues.
              50 mm for Yorkton yesterday. Yikes!


                6/10" total, WET,WET now, too cold to be outside, flurries/sunny, weird. Guess area at 20%, fields were getting good except around the water, saline slimy white. Mixture of dust and mud. long range shows rain on 22-26 of May. Window is 16-21 or risk it into June.


                  Out destroying beaver dams and wow is it wet in fields. Looks like late Saturday or Sunday to finally get into the fields again. That sucks.


                    I would say the salford word work great on the sod. We have a Great Plains Turbo Max and it does a nice job on sod and lumps. Smooths out the field for seeding. Good for incorporating dry chemicals. Salford is very similar..


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