See suggestions that grasslands sequester more carbon than other land uses.
Would be okay except we need annual crop production to provide much of world's food supply.
Research with zero tillage and returning crop residues to soil indicates organic matter can be maintained in thin black soil zone when used for crop production.
Might be best to use these soils for annual crop production and look to other soils to maintain as or convert to grassland with aim to sequester carbon and satisfy demands from environmentalists.
Observation on own farm where we have black soils and some grey wooded is that black soils have more organic matter and that tree cover likely results in less carbon sequestering.
Would be okay except we need annual crop production to provide much of world's food supply.
Research with zero tillage and returning crop residues to soil indicates organic matter can be maintained in thin black soil zone when used for crop production.
Might be best to use these soils for annual crop production and look to other soils to maintain as or convert to grassland with aim to sequester carbon and satisfy demands from environmentalists.
Observation on own farm where we have black soils and some grey wooded is that black soils have more organic matter and that tree cover likely results in less carbon sequestering.