You'd think our yields would be astronomical with all the research and check-offs. Even the same diseases and insect problems. We grew 50 bushel Canaryseed and 80 bushel Glenlea in 1982. Haven't matched it since.
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Who the **** would want to handle twice as much product for half as much money and be no further ahead in the end? Not that any of us want to, but we are being forced to produce more on thinner per unit margins!
In 70's, MIDAS, Zephyr Argentine did yield 40, no disease package but there was NO disease yet. They were 5" tall and a bitch to swath. Polish up to 30, costs, 60 cents a lb for seed treatment, about same for cleaned seed, $6/ acre seed cost. On SMF, only phos, treflan at $10/ acre. We had it good but did NOT know it at the time. Oh ya, 5 cents a liter diesel. New 4430 JD duals, AC, $14000 cash.
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