I know you have worked both sides of this situation, Gov. and private, and you and I both know many consultants who have lost everything trying... in good faith, working to be good intellegence for farmers in the marketing field in western Canada.
I only want Digger to know what sand trap the consultation field is... and to be prepared to encounter the worst.
If there were good profit margins in the Ag industry... we could afford more marketing help... or would it just be we would not need marketing help... you choose!
Very good friends I have known who worked very hard to succeed in this business...
Be honest Charlie; how many do you know can make a full time business of being a marketing consultant, without subsidising income from some other source...(buying grain, trading futures, farming... etc.)?
I know you have worked both sides of this situation, Gov. and private, and you and I both know many consultants who have lost everything trying... in good faith, working to be good intellegence for farmers in the marketing field in western Canada.
I only want Digger to know what sand trap the consultation field is... and to be prepared to encounter the worst.
If there were good profit margins in the Ag industry... we could afford more marketing help... or would it just be we would not need marketing help... you choose!
Very good friends I have known who worked very hard to succeed in this business...
Be honest Charlie; how many do you know can make a full time business of being a marketing consultant, without subsidising income from some other source...(buying grain, trading futures, farming... etc.)?