I made a nine foot barrier around a crop of tall fescue by spraying roundup. On one side I made the choice killing my canola instead of the fescue. I noticed I had quite a few canola plants that were not even set back let alone killed. I gave a heavy rate that killed every thing around that quarter but them. This was a Clearfield crop sprayed with Ares which is supposed to take out volunteer canola except for Clearfield, and roundup is supposed to take out this Clearfield canola. This canola was only growing on my seed rows and I had no volunteers in the bean crop last year. I have to ask myself is this why dual chemistry is wanted to be brought in?
Many years ago I got some roundup seed that 45% was not round up resistant. What a change!
RR canola was good but after I started growing soybeans in 09 and seeing it was starting to become another weed for me, I decided not to grow it anymore.
I know why I had a lot of volunteers in one bean crop last year now.
Many years ago I got some roundup seed that 45% was not round up resistant. What a change!
RR canola was good but after I started growing soybeans in 09 and seeing it was starting to become another weed for me, I decided not to grow it anymore.
I know why I had a lot of volunteers in one bean crop last year now.