Guess what, if I go shopping on a certain day of the month, I can get everything 15% off.
And I am sure if you asked a fresh produce grower, of potato grower about the commodity situation, they would complain just the way we do about the ups and downs of grocery prices, cheap Mexico and South American products undercutting etc. etc. etc.
Then ask the local Co-op about the Walmart and Superstore in the next bigger uban centre, and how they compete on a commodity basis with the big box stores...
When I buy fertiliser or farm chemicals, it is exactly the same, the lowest priced outlet, with the best service gets the business, and many claim they work on 3% margins.
Again if you can find a fairer way to guess what supplies will be needed than by what signals the futures give, in black and white, that I can take to the bank and cash flow, let me know.
Most pooling accounts including the CWB's are cash pooling with a small percentage of basis pricing done more than 2 to 3 months in advance.
I appreciate a price signal I can take to the bank.
And yes all my Canola was sold off the combine, with all the basis forward booked before it was planted.
Will I do this again this year?
Maybe not as much this year as we have less reserve moisture, therefore more production risk.
If there is no risk there will be very very little reward!!!
Kernel there are production contracts on specialty Canola that allow complete pricing on the whole crop with no basis or futures risk, therefore these types of sales opportunities do exist, just look around.
With all the extra drought risk, more and more will be offered I will be willing to bet!
What do you think?
Guess what, if I go shopping on a certain day of the month, I can get everything 15% off.
And I am sure if you asked a fresh produce grower, of potato grower about the commodity situation, they would complain just the way we do about the ups and downs of grocery prices, cheap Mexico and South American products undercutting etc. etc. etc.
Then ask the local Co-op about the Walmart and Superstore in the next bigger uban centre, and how they compete on a commodity basis with the big box stores...
When I buy fertiliser or farm chemicals, it is exactly the same, the lowest priced outlet, with the best service gets the business, and many claim they work on 3% margins.
Again if you can find a fairer way to guess what supplies will be needed than by what signals the futures give, in black and white, that I can take to the bank and cash flow, let me know.
Most pooling accounts including the CWB's are cash pooling with a small percentage of basis pricing done more than 2 to 3 months in advance.
I appreciate a price signal I can take to the bank.
And yes all my Canola was sold off the combine, with all the basis forward booked before it was planted.
Will I do this again this year?
Maybe not as much this year as we have less reserve moisture, therefore more production risk.
If there is no risk there will be very very little reward!!!
Kernel there are production contracts on specialty Canola that allow complete pricing on the whole crop with no basis or futures risk, therefore these types of sales opportunities do exist, just look around.
With all the extra drought risk, more and more will be offered I will be willing to bet!
What do you think?