The three basic problems the farmers have are supply, demand and price, which are all very hard to control. These problems flare out to make the food chain extremely complex because it involves every person on earth, the main reason we all need to eat.
The weather plays the largest part in supply and the demand is to some extent controlled by affordability, the hungry people don’t have money to buy what we produce.
We are all very independent in this good free world of ours, which means there is competition but this also creates problems in some parts of the food chain.
In the free world every person has a chance to be an individual therefore it is going to be very hard or maybe impossible to come up with a marketing system to satisfy everybody’s goal. With the present marketing some have a variety of wrong reasons why they are having cash flow problems and going broke. I will reframe from listing some because it surely would open a can of worms.
The crop insurance would be good and manageable if all the farmers would participate and treat it as input cost, every year not just when they think it will be needed. We could treat it like car insurance, always have it and use when you need it. [ this was forced on us by law but I think is good ]
At the present just a small percentage buy crop insurance and want the premiums back if it is not activated due to an average crop.
We can see where part of the problem could be our independence.
Farmers from all grain producing countries should send a strong representation to the world trade meetings. They should promote the idea that the world Governments could buy surplus grain at a fair price and feed the hungry and GIVE THEM FOOD NOT GUNS.
I believe this would help stabilize grain prices, also subsidies because the surplus is not there it is just the hungry have no money.
The weather plays the largest part in supply and the demand is to some extent controlled by affordability, the hungry people don’t have money to buy what we produce.
We are all very independent in this good free world of ours, which means there is competition but this also creates problems in some parts of the food chain.
In the free world every person has a chance to be an individual therefore it is going to be very hard or maybe impossible to come up with a marketing system to satisfy everybody’s goal. With the present marketing some have a variety of wrong reasons why they are having cash flow problems and going broke. I will reframe from listing some because it surely would open a can of worms.
The crop insurance would be good and manageable if all the farmers would participate and treat it as input cost, every year not just when they think it will be needed. We could treat it like car insurance, always have it and use when you need it. [ this was forced on us by law but I think is good ]
At the present just a small percentage buy crop insurance and want the premiums back if it is not activated due to an average crop.
We can see where part of the problem could be our independence.
Farmers from all grain producing countries should send a strong representation to the world trade meetings. They should promote the idea that the world Governments could buy surplus grain at a fair price and feed the hungry and GIVE THEM FOOD NOT GUNS.
I believe this would help stabilize grain prices, also subsidies because the surplus is not there it is just the hungry have no money.