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Shouldn't the CWB Go to Jail? Part II

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    People are willing to go to jail over this issue so I my opinion this is a serious problem.For or against CWB seems more important than wether their is a real market for Canadian wheat.

    UK still imports Canadian wheat but modern technoledgy allows home produced flour to produce loaves of nearly as good quality.

    CWB/warburtons do get a premium but on much lower quantities than in the past.

    All that will happen if we compete for this volume market is that both of us will get less per tonne.

    Is this not what marketing is about?

    Was US wrong to impose tarrif catfish?

    Perhaps if Veitnam had sold for same price as US and been satisfied to supply 5% of market tariff would not have been imposed and 5% of high price market better than 20% of nothing.

    Could US have sold rice into Haiti just above local price and perhaps the Haitians by now could have a better standard of living and be able to pay for it.

    Cheap food is just making the rich fat and the poor hungry.

    Real marketing by farmers could make a difference.

    Do we have a right to produce and sell?

    Henbent does the CWB market?

    Tom Parsley do you or the people you want to deal with market?

    Dont you all expect them to find a buyer for everthing you produce regardless of wether there is a demand.

    How can we market with no reference to differing market situations?


      henbent does this mean if the law changes you will accept it.



        We don't need a change in the law. The CWB Act allows licenses to be granted to me. Cerrtainly, the CWB grants them to Quebecors, big corporations and seedgrowers, etc.

        The CWB POLICY...not the CWB ACT has decided to deny licenses to every Prairie farmer. WHY? Because the CWB boys in the back room decided to do a number on us to make us sell to the Board.

        Does the Act need changing? No. We can have marketing choice tommorow. The Court will eventually tell the CWB that Prairie folks....any folks across Canada...don't need to do a buyback to get a license. And then order the CWB to issue licenses without discrimination.



          My question to henbent stands. If the law or rules or what ever you want to call it changed tomorrow would henbent go with it. Once I have this question answered I can ask the next question.


            rain, If the law changes, I might/might not go with it, I might/might not continue to farm. I might/might not cash out my equity, RRSP
            and sit on my b--t and enjoy the dogfight. I might/might not join in if it becomes challenging and rewarding. If the law doesn't evolve or change. What do you think you will do rain? Whatever happens to you or I won't make a bit of difference in the grand scheme of things. People will take advantage of opportunities or be taken advantage of, methinks!!


              ianben, We market, or pull the trigger for lots of reasons, ie the time is right the product is about to spoil, we need the cash, there are tax implications, my neighbours are selling therefore I should to, my neighbour desperately needs my product, the bottom has fallen out of the market, or we feel it is time to take a profit on and on and on it goes. Apparently the US is about to introduce "Country of Origin Labelling". Guess what? The COW GUYS are afraid of this law. Why? Because Americans stick together and will buy American first even though according to sources their beef is inferior to ours! We have a NFTA trade agreement that allows us to sell our gas/oil and water, yes fresh water to the US free of tariff. But not lumber or wheat at the moment. What suckers we have turned into, chasing the almighty Greenback.


                All those reason for selling are just that selling not marketing.
                Your CWB sells wheat one year 20million tonnes the next 8million with no regard to customer requirments or local market.

                Little wonder US is forced to impose a tarif to protect its farmers.

                The US like the UK and EU has only small and gettting smaller every year demand for your high quality wheat. The rest of the world apart from Japan cannot afford to pay as low commodity prices make them poorer.

                Does CWB give any guidance on qualities and quantities it wants you to produce?

                You may not be a Monsanto fan but they do market their products well.
                Pricing to give good return to Monsanto. Delivering what it says on the can and leaving just enough profit for the farmer to keep him wanting more.

                Good marketing is not about empty bins and high yeilds. Forced sales to meet cash flow and keeping up with the neighbours.

                Good marketing starts with growing what the customer wants then delivering at a price and quantity which sustains the customer relationship. Todays systems seem produce the opposite.

                Fleece or be fleeced

                Neither CWB or Cargils etc. provide this sevice for farmers and customers but both could with more understanding and realist marketing by farmers

                Farmers and the world would benefit if somebody did dont you think?


                  My question to henbent stands. If the law or rules or what ever you want to call it changed tomorrow would henbent go with it. Once I have this question answered I can ask the next question.

                  Henbent yes or no. Thats all I am looking of for and answer.


                    ianben, As I pointed out earlier, we market/sell for lots of different reasons. Our location, climate, soil, conditions, and economics ie, extremely high natural gas and fuel price limit what farms can/will produce. Marketing is selling, making a profit on what you produce is a must. We are guided by, sell it or smell it, reality that exists in the world of commodity markets. The CWB allows us the freedom to do our work and know with some sense of certainty that a market exists to sell into. We have the other option of selling into the open market, if/when conditions exist that make that to our advantage. Other options exist, but the trade off there is that at times you have to wait/don't get paid for your produce. The vast majority of us don't have time nor the inclination to become involved and an elaborate marketing scheme. Subsidy programs, do not exist in Canada to give us the room to hire the pros. World wide, producers face the same sort of problem, divide and conquer, then buyers and processors win no matter what the product.



                      "The US like the UK and EU has only small and gettting smaller every year demand for your high quality wheat. The rest of the world apart from Japan cannot afford to pay as low commodity prices make them poorer.

                      Does CWB give any guidance on qualities and quantities it wants you to produce?"

                      THis is the real issue with the CWB that has been avoided by the Henbent's of the world Ianben.

                      The CWB solution is to produce all super high quality, and then sell the majority of our wheat through a "price discrimination" system, that price discounts to the vast majority of our customers who do not need super high quality.

                      "Designated Area" grain producers pay a huge price in productivity because of this CDN gov. policy.... Creston B.C. farmers refused to play this CWB game and were given no-cost export licenses... and then finally were given refuge outside the "designated area".

                      The CWB has done such a good job of brainwashing people like Henbent... and continue to hold power by spending millions of dollars of "designated area" grain producers money to "educate" the rest of us who need the opportunity to be innovative with our Marketing strategys.

                      On my farm, I try to grow what is valued and needed by a consumer... and what can econmically provide a profit while providing an enjoyable work experence for those we employ....

                      I see Henbent wants to let the CWB find markets... and market what he has grown... and is happy paying whatever the CWB charges for this service.... well and fine with me, if the CWB didn't force me to pay a huge sum to cross subsidise Henbent.

                      Until Marketing choice is allowed... and the Ontario Wheat Board experence proves it is viable... the Creston B.C. experence proves it is possible... and the selling of manufactured feed and pedigreed seed without the "CWB Buy-back" proves it is legal...

                      I will not rest till my neighbours are allowed the right to market with innovation and maximum respect for the property my neighbour has.

                      And that includes your property Ianben, cause you are being hurt by the CWB just as I am being hurt!

                      Henbent doesn't have a problem with the economic or personal pain... Henbent bestows upon us... which I personally don't believe is fair.


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