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Shouldn't the CWB Go to Jail? Part II

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    Henbent: Lay down on the couch. Now how long has it been that you have had this fear of the truth. You refuse to answer everyones questions. You bring up unrelated case law. If you are sold on the CWB give us answers to our questions. Show us prove of the premium marketers abilities to get me the best price. Why all the foreign millers are so happy to deal with board should raise some suspicion of getting the best price in the world. Because of the CWB all DA producers missed an opportunity to price their wheat at $9.00/bus. last fall. On a normal crop year that little problem with pool accounting and single desk selling will cost me over $150,000 in income. Even in the last drought year it has cost me $20.000 so you can force your CWB on me. I'am tried of trying to convince people like you of the great injustice the CWB does to the freedom of producers in Western Canada.

    But what do I know I'am just a jerk that build a 2000 acre farm in the last 30 years out of a $20,000 grub stake.

    Your not Art Macklin are you?


      kernel, TOM4CWB, ianben, In other words GREED is good in your neighbourhood. This proboard,antiboard position is all a matter of prespective. That which works for you doesn't necessarily work for us or our neighbours. ianben, commodities are big, bulky and expensive to ship at the best of times, the CWB makes their movement happen in an orderly way. We all share the expense. I trust the CWB is marketing our grain in a fair legal manner. kernel, so the law only works for you and yours, WRONG. By the way I am not Art, guess again!!


        Actually henbent, you have indicated to us, repeatedly, that the reason you like the single desk is because, you claim, it makes you more money.

        You want expenses to be divied up because... you claim it will get more money.

        You live in an area where, you claim, transportation expenses become a burden, so you want CWB involvement, because you believe.....you'll end up with more money.

        You want the Selling specialists at the CWB to act on your behalf, because you claim they will get you more money.

        And then you accuse the farmers, who disagree with your personal ideology, of being greedy, with the underlying inference, as well as direct statements, that you, of course, are not.

        You need to develop some consistency in your ideology, henbent. Either you are greedy or you are not. You can't claim you are not greedy and everyone else is, if the primary reason you give for supporting the CWB, is that you get more money.

        After all, you don't want all the greedy farmers out here to think you are both greedy and a liar, do you henbent?.



          parsley, So you think I'm a liar, well I'll tell you something, at least I'm not a mushroom growing in the dark and being fed the BS, that you guys are shovelling. Making money is not being greedy, 5 - 10 cent marketing on the other hand, could be deemed as chiseleing and that is what I think your gang is, a bunch of cheap chiselers, intent on lining your pockets at the expense of the rest.



            If I need to make a direct contract... with an end user of my Wheat or Barley,...

            shouldn't this be allowed if I have the work ethic, skill, take the risk, and deliver what my end user requests, ...directly... without using any of "your" grades..., elevators, or any of your grain handling system anywhere in Canada...

            I am asking that I need to able to do this... ...without... having to send you a hunk of my farm through the CWB?

            Is this request unreasonable?


              TOM4CWB, What about the hunk of my farm that I send to you each year, or is that to insignificant from your point of view to mention. Maybe you guys should put your money where your mouth is, organize a group to travel around, invite farmers to say a nice dinner and present your views, buy us a beer or two and we might even agree with what you are preaching. Sounds like a good deal to me, after all you fellows are apparently losing 100's of thousands of dollars each year. Maybe the AB Gov't would kick in and help your cause!! I'd attend.



                How exactly am I taking money from you?

                How exactly does my farm get money from you, since I do not agree that the CWB monopoly is gaining any pricing advantage at all for either of us, it is costing both of us, particularily my farm, if I try to flat price outside the CWB pool... to the tune of $40/t.

                If I had an unpriced basis contract, this contract would scoop $65/t off the top of my price... I can only assume the CWB is distributing this money back through the pooling accounts to you, because these funds do not seem to show up in the CWB contingency fund.

                However, If you do truly want to get together... face to face... since you asked... I would do this, and even buy you lunch, if this is what you need!

                Give me a call @ 1-TOM TOM4CWB toll free.


                  Tom4cwb/Henbent et al, " I put the following work under your protection. It contains my opinion... You will do me the justice to remember, that I have always strenuously supported the right of every man to his opinion, however different that opinion might be to mine. He who denies to another this right, makes a slave of himself to his present opinion, because he precludes himself the right of changing it" -Thomas Paine


                    Boone your last sentence should be the code of ethics of the CWB.



                      Believe it on not... the essence of Boone's statement is in the CWB Director's Code of Conduct;


                      III. DUTIES
                      Duties for corporate directors emanate from common law obligations and the provisions of the statute or instrument under which the company is incorporated.

                      1. The Common Law is based on the Golden Rule, which states;

                      *Do unto others as you would have done unto you,

                      And the Negative Golden Rule, which states;

                      * Do not do unto others as you would not have others do unto you;

                      2. The two fundamental principals of common law:

                      *Do not infringe upon the Rights, Freedoms or Property of others, and
                      Keep all contracts willingly, knowingly and intentionally

                      Common law maxims include:

                      *That for every wrong there is a remedy,

                      *The end does not justify the means,

                      *Fundamental principals cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship in a particular case,

                      * Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law,

                      * Two wrongs do not make a right, and

                      Probably the most fundamental right of all is, in my opinion...
                      * One can enlarge the rights of the people, however they cannot be taken away without their informed consent.


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