Hi Tom
I do not think you are unbalanced,in the present market your stradegy works to your best advantage,and the changes you suggest may improve your position.
Will it produce what we all want a future for the family farm?
I do not believe tweaking the present system will be enough to encouage bright young people to join us.
The capital sums now required to run a viable grain farm are so huge there needs to be a bottom line below which prices cannot drop.Otherwise young people will not have the confidence to borrow money, asumming the banks will lend it them, to join our industry.
Who can blame them when just bad timing can wipe them out.
I just want to put a floor in the market so we dont have falls of 50-100% for just a few percent of over production.Something to stop the position which occurs when we know to sell will drive down price for all, but to sell will be best for me as an individual.
Given that choice we all sell and produce the inevitable crash.
I maintain the presents systems encourage this. As the more volatile the market the greater the need for futures.
I believe the market for stable priced grain is vast. A green fuel,a marketers dream, but it needs a stable price BEFORE people will invest in a boiler to burn it.
Are your young people becoming farmers in enough numbers to contiue our farming traditions? I can't see them over here. It is the next generation who are leaving our industry to pay their morgage, not the old guys like me.
So whats your solution Tom?
Regards Ian
I do not think you are unbalanced,in the present market your stradegy works to your best advantage,and the changes you suggest may improve your position.
Will it produce what we all want a future for the family farm?
I do not believe tweaking the present system will be enough to encouage bright young people to join us.
The capital sums now required to run a viable grain farm are so huge there needs to be a bottom line below which prices cannot drop.Otherwise young people will not have the confidence to borrow money, asumming the banks will lend it them, to join our industry.
Who can blame them when just bad timing can wipe them out.
I just want to put a floor in the market so we dont have falls of 50-100% for just a few percent of over production.Something to stop the position which occurs when we know to sell will drive down price for all, but to sell will be best for me as an individual.
Given that choice we all sell and produce the inevitable crash.
I maintain the presents systems encourage this. As the more volatile the market the greater the need for futures.
I believe the market for stable priced grain is vast. A green fuel,a marketers dream, but it needs a stable price BEFORE people will invest in a boiler to burn it.
Are your young people becoming farmers in enough numbers to contiue our farming traditions? I can't see them over here. It is the next generation who are leaving our industry to pay their morgage, not the old guys like me.
So whats your solution Tom?
Regards Ian