Tom4cwb: I'am not refusing to accept the value of our product by supply and demand. Iam' not happy with the mechanism in are marketing system that allows for easy manipulation of supply fiquires. For example a spectulator can buy or sell large amounts of grain on paper for a mere 10% of its value and turn around in the future and reverse the trade for a mere fee. When there is no delivery of the product and no storage to worry about large speculators can manipulate the market to their advantage. Large companies who are intergrated into food industry are controlling the low price.
Government subsidises are for the benefit of large companies not farmers because they work to keep a large supply of the perferred product at a low price. This allows large corportations to add value to make a large profit.
Supply and demand is the only fair way to discover price but lets make the mechanism of supply and demand procedures fair and honest. Chas
Government subsidises are for the benefit of large companies not farmers because they work to keep a large supply of the perferred product at a low price. This allows large corportations to add value to make a large profit.
Supply and demand is the only fair way to discover price but lets make the mechanism of supply and demand procedures fair and honest. Chas