Lakenheath, Almoy, and Katoe;
For the last three days I have been directly working to liberate; hurt, downtrodden farmers in Saskatoon.
This obligation has not been fun, easy, or simply being “Negative for the sake of being Negative”.
When my neighbour hurts, I hurt.
I will never apologize for bringing foreword the plight of my neighbour who is being hurt, I really hope you would not expect me to do so.
The CWB is us.
If we were to begin following our own laws, today, I would not need to post one more “negative” comment about the “single desk”.
Therefore it is our CWB itself that requires me to continue objecting, primarily on behalf of those farmers who have been personally abused, most times both economically and emotionally.
I hope an open frank discussion can bring a constructive resolution to real problems in the real world, this is certainly my objective.
WHEN my neighbour hurts, I hurt. If this offends you, you need to ask why.
The CWB election was an opportunity to bring the plight of my hurting neighbour to you and everyone else on CWB issues.
I do not discriminate in the plight of those who are hurt, so as you will see, I will work on whatever problem exists, whoever creates the problem, I will seek a resolution from them. I will use passion, logic, and truth in these battles.
I will never give up until my last breath is taken, this pledge I give to you.
Thank you for your help in bring it to the attention of everyone!
You most certainly expressed you opinion here, as you had every right to do.
Thank you, I respect your right to that opinion.
I spent January 13th, in Saskatoon, working on the issue of security and payment issues around Special Crops and Pulses.
I have been just as disappointed as you have been,(possibly more so) that this issue has not been dealt with for the 15 years I have been involved in it. I estimate this issue alone has cost my family a year of my life, literally.
In Saskatoon on Thursday it appeared we will make major steps foreword this time to resolve this very issue.
If our pulse marketers will in good faith take opportunities being offered by the Canadian Grain Commission, and the CGC fulfills it’s commitments that were given on Thursday to us as producers of special crops and pulses; I believe there is a great opportunity to take a large step foreword that will resolve the majority of this problem. I will address this issue on a special topic today on Agri-ville.
It will also be addressed at our annual meeting of the Alberta Pulse Growers in Edmonton at Farm Tech January 27th, 1-2:30pm at the Ag Industry Showcase Exhibit.
I Hope to see all of you there, I would appreciate an opportunity to personally discuss your problems, and help out where ever I can!
Tom Jackson
For the last three days I have been directly working to liberate; hurt, downtrodden farmers in Saskatoon.
This obligation has not been fun, easy, or simply being “Negative for the sake of being Negative”.
When my neighbour hurts, I hurt.
I will never apologize for bringing foreword the plight of my neighbour who is being hurt, I really hope you would not expect me to do so.
The CWB is us.
If we were to begin following our own laws, today, I would not need to post one more “negative” comment about the “single desk”.
Therefore it is our CWB itself that requires me to continue objecting, primarily on behalf of those farmers who have been personally abused, most times both economically and emotionally.
I hope an open frank discussion can bring a constructive resolution to real problems in the real world, this is certainly my objective.
WHEN my neighbour hurts, I hurt. If this offends you, you need to ask why.
The CWB election was an opportunity to bring the plight of my hurting neighbour to you and everyone else on CWB issues.
I do not discriminate in the plight of those who are hurt, so as you will see, I will work on whatever problem exists, whoever creates the problem, I will seek a resolution from them. I will use passion, logic, and truth in these battles.
I will never give up until my last breath is taken, this pledge I give to you.
Thank you for your help in bring it to the attention of everyone!
You most certainly expressed you opinion here, as you had every right to do.
Thank you, I respect your right to that opinion.
I spent January 13th, in Saskatoon, working on the issue of security and payment issues around Special Crops and Pulses.
I have been just as disappointed as you have been,(possibly more so) that this issue has not been dealt with for the 15 years I have been involved in it. I estimate this issue alone has cost my family a year of my life, literally.
In Saskatoon on Thursday it appeared we will make major steps foreword this time to resolve this very issue.
If our pulse marketers will in good faith take opportunities being offered by the Canadian Grain Commission, and the CGC fulfills it’s commitments that were given on Thursday to us as producers of special crops and pulses; I believe there is a great opportunity to take a large step foreword that will resolve the majority of this problem. I will address this issue on a special topic today on Agri-ville.
It will also be addressed at our annual meeting of the Alberta Pulse Growers in Edmonton at Farm Tech January 27th, 1-2:30pm at the Ag Industry Showcase Exhibit.
I Hope to see all of you there, I would appreciate an opportunity to personally discuss your problems, and help out where ever I can!
Tom Jackson