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CWB Voter's List includes 43% non-growers

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    As the US ITC ruling clearly proves that the CWB does not extract a premium in US markets, in fact it discount prices and sold #1 for LESS than #2CWRS...

    My assumption is that the Canadian grades are screwed up (clearly expressed by western CDN exporters and farmers alike at the time) and that the monopoly is simply a nightmare designed to keep domestic milling prices low.

    Farmers in the "designated area" can't even ration the domestic market as happened in 2002 in Canola & feed grains... as the government tops this dead in its' tracks.

    Plus parsley is stopped from profitable sales, and must give back value to subsidise domestic and off shore sales if really good sales are made.

    No wonder the CWB voters list includes 43% non-growers!

    Any wonder the monopoly continues?

    THis CWB brainwashing machine is very effective and literally wins big awards in advertising and media by spreading the "bull" around in Liberal applications!

    WHy are we voting at all?


      Intresting to see all the comments. I agre with the concept everyfarmer has the right to vote providing you are an active farmer. The question to be answered is how many of the 43% are still active and how many are retired who still vote based off past beliefs and not current Market needs. When you see 43% of the voter (in some district it is even higher) didn't suply a bushel of grain it makes you wonder who they are and do they even exist. Sounds like something that happens in a banna republic not in Canada. When the CWB is changed into a voluntary Co-operative they I can subscribe to the 1 person 1 vote, but until this happens then there has to be a mechinism that ensures all farmers have a base vote, but the Farmers who grow CWB grains must have a larger say in the organization because the econmic impact on them is greater than on a smaller operation or an operation that doesn't produce CWB grains.
      I question if any of the existing directors really have the authority to be there with a voting list such as this?
      I have seen this report (thanks to the NFU) and it is full of intresting statistics and I would encourage the moderator to get this report from the CWB and post it for everybody to see



        I don't know the percentage last year of actual sales made by the exporters and grain companies. Do you mean for all of Canada or just the DA?

        You've asked an interesting question with the answer dependent upon if the exporters/company were 1. outside or 2. within the Designated Area. Or 1 plus 2.

        If you are an Ontario company exporting pearled barley , you are still supposed to apply for a CWB license. Should only the Wooly Bears in the West vote on Board matters?

        Should only Western farmers have a vote to determine what happens across Canada?

        Should only large scale DA farmers be the only voters?

        For example, every livestock producer in Canada can buy feed grain directly from DA farmers.

        But the Board table will not allow the farmers to sell that same grain (that Ontario or Alberta feedlots buy),directly to the USA.

        Should cattlefarmers be able to vote? They do now.

        Sure effects their livliehood because Canadian cattlemen enjoy buying cheap local grain with no competition from international markets.



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