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Rosann's Follies

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    Rosann's Follies

    December 6, 2006

    – – –
    Results Will Tell Ottawa Where Manitoba Farmers Stand on Future of CWB: Wowchuk

    Ballots are in the mail to Manitoba wheat and barley producers to give farmers a voice on the future of the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Minister Rosann Wowchuk announced today.

    “Chuck Strahl and Stephen Harper have made no secret of their plans to dismantle the Canadian Wheat Board’s single desk,” Wowchuk said. “Minister Strahl has acted unilaterally and aggressively, setting up an anti-wheat board task force, firing wheat board leaders who dare disagree with him and all the while, refusing to allow any opportunity for farmers to have their voices heard.

    “Today, our government is making good on our commitment to give farmers a voice.”

    Eligible producers will begin receiving ballots this week. The ballot includes two questions, one each on wheat and barley marketing. The ballot questions reflect the exact wording proposed by the Prairie Producer Coalition, comprised of the Keystone Agricultural Producers, Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan, National Farmers’ Union and Wild Rose Agricultural Producers. The question asks producers in clear terms if they wish to maintain the ability to market both wheat and barley through the CWB single desk or if they wish to remove the single desk marketing system and instead sell through an open market.

    Wowchuk said the results of the vote will illustrate for the federal government whether Manitoba farmers believe changes should be considered to how wheat and barley are sold.

    “Only after this vote is completed and the ballots counted will Minister Strahl have clear direction from Manitoba farmers on whether changes should be made to the Canadian Wheat Board,” said Wowchuk. “Until farmers have spoken, no government has any mandate to make changes to an institution that belongs not to politicians in Ottawa, but to farmers on the Prairies.”

    The vote is open to all Manitoba producers who grew wheat or barley in the last two years. The voters’ list was generated using the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation production insurance database. All producers named in a production insurance contract for a farming enterprise that grew wheat or barley in the last two years will automatically receive a ballot.

    Producers who did not purchase production insurance or who are not named in their farm’s production insurance contract may still be added to the voters’ list by filling out a declaration form before Dec. 18. The declarations are available online and at all Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives GO centres and offices. There will be a commissioner for oaths available free of charge at all GO centres and offices to witness the declarations.

    Details of voter eligibility and information on making a declaration are available at http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture and at any GO centre or office in Manitoba.

    All declarations must be made by Dec. 18. The deadline for producers to mail completed ballots is Jan. 5. All voter packages include a postage-paid return envelope. Results are expected in mid-January.

    Voting will be administered, tabulated and audited by Meyers Norris Penny. Total cost for the vote will be approximately $80,000.

    The following questions will be included on the ballot:
    · Wheat Marketing:
    - I wish to maintain the ability to market all wheat, with the continuing exception of feed wheat sold domestically, through the CWB single desk system.
    - I wish to remove the single desk marketing system from the CWB and sell all wheat through an open market system.
    · Barley Marketing:
    - I wish to maintain the ability to market all barley, both malting/food, with the continuing exception of feed barley sold domestically, through the CWB single desk system.
    - I wish to remove the single desk marketing system from the CWB and sell all barley through an open market system.

    The question is dishonest and constructed to get a desired result.

    Farmers have been asking for choice but the MB NDP have unilaterally decided, just like the CWB that we're not allowed to desire that.

    this plebicite is not relevent to what is happening today and what the is being proposed for the cwb, so the results will be meaningless.

    I didn't expect anything else from the NDP though.

    I only hope Strahl does a better job in constructing his plebicite.


      Come on AS, there is nothing wrong with the question, open market or not, that is the only question.

      Waste of time and money as the fed gov has a strategy anyways, but that is another discussion.

      Their position and policy is to provide marketing choice for wheat and barley growers and they are moving ahead with or without a provincial vote.


        Minister Rosann Wowchuk's thinking represents what a great many farmers do not want..state control, peasants doing what she tells them, one marketing agency, one shipper. Her big plan does not recognize, let alone provide, any diversity at all.

        Borat needs to come to Manitoba to film what comes out of Rosann's mouth to best put her views into perspective.

        Her most convincing attribute is her audacity to thrash about in front of the media, loudly reciting the freshest single-desk phrase just memorized.

        singledesksingledesksingledesk..over and over.and over.

        You cannot have a vote on whether or not farmers are allowed to sell what they grow.

        Farmers should own what they grow.And decide who they want to sell to.

        Next, she'll be picking out your marriage partner.



          Adam Smith, as a fellow Manitoban I'm appalled at the waste of $80,000 to play the NDP's little political games. They (NDP) have the gall to say they support the single desk, then waste precious dollars to offer farmers a vote? Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.


            Next, she'll be picking out your marriage partner.

            Liberal and NDP politions have fought for and won the right for Gays and Lesbians to marry someone of the same sex. They fight to defend the right of people to end the life of their unborn children but if I want to sell my own grain, thats where human rights ends. I need to be put in jail for that kind of stuff. Unless you're from Ontairio.


              A great article in the Winnipeg Sun.

              Thu, December 7, 2006

              Farmers political pawns in plebiscite ploy
              By TOM BRODBECK

              If you want to know how politically motivated the Doer government's decision is to hold a plebiscite on the future of the Canadian Wheat Board, just ask Agriculture Minister Rosann Wowchuk what she plans to do if farmers vote in favour of having choice in selling their grain.

              The federal government is looking at making the Wheat Board voluntary so farmers can sell their wheat outside the board if they wish.

              Right now, Manitoba farmers -- by law -- have to sell their wheat through the CWB monopoly. The argument is that the wheat board can get better prices for farmers if they're all forced to sell through them.

              It's open to debate.

              But now the Doer government wants to hold a plebiscite for farmers so they can vote on it.

              Trouble is, this is federal jurisdiction and the wheat board has nothing to do with the provincial government.

              The only reason the Doer government is holding a vote is to try to score political points with farmers in rural Manitoba in an attempt to offset some of the damage the NDP caused when they slapped farmers with a cow tax earlier this year.

              In reality, the outcome of the vote on the wheat board is not binding and is entirely meaningless.

              It has everything to do with political posturing before an expected spring election and nothing to do with farmers themselves.

              That was made brutally obvious by Wowchuk yesterday when I asked her what she would do if farmers voted in favour of having choice outside the board.

              Wowchuk says the wheat board is owned by farmers, not the federal government, and it is they who should determine its future.

              If they vote to keep the monopoly, you can be sure Wowchuk would be yelling from the rooftops, demanding the federal government accept the outcome of the vote and maintain the status quo.

              But when I asked her if she would lobby the federal government for choice outside of the wheat board -- if farmers voted that way -- she wouldn't answer the question, saying only that she just wants to give farmers a voice.

              Idealogical views

              Right. As long as it coincides with her ideological views.

              The Doer government wants Ottawa to listen to farmers, but only if they like the outcome of the vote.

              Wowchuk further insults our intelligence by saying this plebiscite is a fair and unbiased process.

              That's funny.

              The press release they put out on it yesterday excoriates Prime Minister Stephen Harper and federal Agriculture Minister Chuck Strahl in the most partisan, political way for their position on the wheat board.

              The release, an official Government of Manitoba press release, doesn't even refer to Harper as Prime Minister Stephen Harper nor Strahl as agriculture minister.

              I've never seen a government release that fails to refer to a prime minister by their official title.

              It reads more like a cheap partisan blog or a political party newsletter than an official government news release.

              This process is as politically charged as you can get, driven by party politics, electioneering and NDP ideology.

              It has absolutely nothing to do with farmers. They're just being used as political pawns by Premier Gary Doer.

              The Doer government's decision to hold a plebiscite on the wheat board makes about as much sense as the federal government holding a plebiscite on the future of Manitoba's government-monopoly vehicle insurance scheme.

              I doubt the Doer government would stand for that.


                Even Ralph knew better than to hold a vote/plebicite...Even after he de-regulated energy in AB and opened the door on reforms for private/for-profit health care...


                  Good point from Wheatgrowers:
                  We note for example that it takes a 60%
                  > threshold in Manitoba to impose a VOLUNTARY producer checkoff. If 60%
                  > is considered an appropriate threshold for voluntary participation, what
                  > sort of threshold is necessary for a compulsory marketing scheme?


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