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This Week's Western Producer

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    This Week's Western Producer

    I go to this week's Western Producer and see the following articles.

    Concerns about making too big a switch to canola acres in response to an opportunity to sell $8/bu canola.

    An article following up on the study suggesting a marketing board for lentils.

    Articles about the upcoming plebescite on barley. The overall focus of the articles is on the loss of single desk selling and limited amounts on the impact on the barley market.

    Not picking on the Western Producer - it reflects what people are thinking. It is an interesting comment on peoples approaches to different crops.

    And in my humble opinion that ed white is a shmuck.


      Just a note that I have a good working relationship with Western Producer reporters including Ed White. They listen, ask tough questions and 95 % or more reflect what I wanted to communicate. When there is miscommunication, I generally have to review what I said and look to make sure I wasn't a least partially responsible (communication is always a two way street).

      Do I always agree with Western Producer approach? No but diversity is what makes the world go round. Farmers can read the information and come to their own conclusions. I note I subscribe to the WP with a view of understanding farm opinion.


        charliep and cotttonpicken, even though I sometimes dislike like what they write, I appreciate that we have farm papers and farm writers. We don't want them exiting agriculture and writing about Brad Pitt et al.



          Huh, that's an about-face? I thought you like the American way?

          I thought Harper's next move will be to remove all that commi CBC local news and replace it why FoxNews and Entertainment Tonight?

          Who do you think deserves the Oscars this year parsley? Remember Hollywood is in the USA?


            Am really glad to have the US as neighbors too.

            I see you have a new picture on your website. You need to quit working so much Benny.



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