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What is CWB 's McCreary Predicting ?

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    What is CWB 's McCreary Predicting ?

    An information rabble bundled up by the Montreal Larouche Youth Movement and EIR intelligence magazine, post a lengthy interview with CWB Director McCreary in Jan/07.

    The CWB's McCreary states:

    "If a modern commercial environment is to survive together with modern democracy, then organizations like the Canadian Wheat Board had better be part of the future, or civil society is in a lot of trouble".


    Does that mean if the CWB dies, some other organization is going to take up jailing farmers where the CWB left off?

    Anyhow,if EIR's dream-mission is any indication of what suitors they might be courting, I gotta say McCreary is either intersting company or EIR looks at the CWB as eligible business-marriage material.

    Here's a little of where EIR seems to be heading:

    "EIR: ............. Now what we’ve been looking at for Canada is a project called the North American Water and Power Alliance, and the idea is to divert, through a series of canals, water from the Mackenzie and Yukon rivers, down into the Great Plains region, which at the same time would create large amounts of cheap electricity and bring a steady supply of fresh water to the prairies. What do you think the reaction would be from the farming community to this kind of large-scale infrastructure proposal?"

    You can find the interview at


    Gotta say, the CWB certainly is busy 'networking'.

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