I never was very good at math so correct me if I am wrong. If they are selling wheat now for $ 6.95 per bushel and the average price ( PRO ) is $ 4.40 per bushel that would mean that they sold a equal number of bushels at $ 1.85 per bushel. Perhaps to Algeria?
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Wink, Wink, nod Nod... The CWB's Heather Frayne
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Benny hinn says"eventually you guys will win".Interesting.He already knows he's lost.Just fighting for the glorious cause.Guess what.The last year or 2 of most wars are the bloodiest.
Sad though.The left knows they are selling a product nobody wants any more.They also know in their hearts,asMaggie Thatcher said"our ideas are better than theirs"but they fight on with religious zeal.
If we're gonna change anyway,why not do it right now and stop losing opportunity?
Parsley: I never discounted the integrity of the organic certification regulations. What I said is that people like Fransisco will always find a way to cheat the system, at your expense.
Fransisco: So what is it Coke or Pepsi? I was thinking you were a Red Bull fan.
Care to elaborate benny? Or is innuendo just another one of your dull knives? You must have picked it up at the Heather Frayne school for gifted communicators. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
The only cheating I see is coming from the monopolists who are doing everything in their collective power to make sure their neighbors can't make an honest buck by making an honest deal with an honest buyer.
It's to bad they can't even be true to themselves. Like winwin says 'its a board fetish'. If the board says a little more freedom its good, if the board say no more freedom that's good as well. Whatever the board says goes.
You claim to like 'mixing it up' when it comes to the so-called CWB marketing options but you want to deny your neighbors their right to mix it up in the manner that they see working best on their farms.
Somehow you see yourself gaining from the current system even though your neighbors are telling you that they are losing. So then your gain, whatever that may be, is coming at their expense and they have absolutely no choice in the matter.
There is a name for this kind of an arangement, and it's not buisness.
Grainbattle and BenHin,
I find the CWB logic interesting here!
If Ontario/US prices are are truly $1/bu lower than the grain prices the CWB gets... and since the law of one price drove them there...
How can the CWB get $1/bu more than the price of one law will allow in this competitive market place?
How can the CWB have it both ways... at the same time? THis applies to all markets not just Ontario... the CWB only has a effective monopoly over flour mills in the "designated area".
In western Canada, the chooses to use NAFTA formula pricing instead of using the monopoly it has to differentiate and extract a premium.
How exactly does any of this return growers in the "designated area" a premium price?
Driving costs out of our system, through competition, while keeping the "profit" the "multi-nationals" would extract... through our own "CWBII" logically would provide the highest return... seems to me!
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