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New Study Using Gray's Methodology Concludes CWB Performance Sucks

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    Careful(Uncle)Tom, you're making the house servants nervous. They don't want to go back to picking cotton.


      It sickening to see you too belittle such a disgraceful part of American history.

      But then again, what should we expect from such well known intolerant people.

      Looks like you two are kindred spirits.

      CC: NAACP.org


        Benny my man, you've got no sense of humour.

        And you're sense of spelling ain't to far behind. I believe you meant 'two' not too.


          But since you're speaking about intolerance what do you call sending your neighbor to jail over a disagreement on how to market his crop?

          Let me give you a hint, it's not tolerant.


            Benny thinks slavery[involuntary servitude]is deplorable.But come,comrade whatis the difference between having to serve a master against your will or me having to serve you?

            Whether it is a plantation,the state,the church or the farmer tribe you want us all into,its still MY labour serving YOUR will.



              That was really tricky!

              You made me read it three times!!!

              10-4 good buddy... let them truckers roll!


                Speaking of grammatical errors, your aptitude with html coding is a joke.

                How many tries did it take you to get that previous posting uploaded correctly. Maybe try it under Incognito or Chafmeister next time to dilute your sorry attempts.

                Also, i'd like to see how well you can type while traveling the roads.

                $7.00 corn on the way next year? How much CAIS will your hogs require?

                Tom and Frisco sitting in a tree... K-i-s-s-i-n-g..... haha!


                  Well I suppose we could be classified as 'GAY' farmers. We both agree that our...



                    I don't know about you Tom but I think I was born this way.

                    Every time I drive by one of those multinationals and have a look at the size of their assets I just can't help myself. I want to make a deal.




                      In 1990 in Red Deer I tried to convince our AB pulse growers at a strategic planning meeting... to put peas under the CWB!

                      It was actually in 1993-95 at CIGI courses, WCE's John Depape, and the CGC really opened my eyes to what was up in Winnipeg. Milt Wakefield was an honest guy. Taught us good information in the Special Grains Act Initiative. Then in Jan. 1996, in the Airport Hotel in Calgary I really was impressed after I found out the Three wheat pools (AB,SK, MB)were stacking the Western Grain Marketing Panel meetings...

                      It was all down hill from there!


                        Fran and Tom,

                        Sure relieved neither of 'you two' are the self-confessed peeper in the crowd spying on people kissing.


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