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Is Rosann Wowchuk having another PM'S Moment?

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    Is Rosann Wowchuk having another PM'S Moment?

    The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon)

    "Man. wants vote halted

    Manitoba Agriculture Minister Rosann Wowchuk has formally called on the federal government to halt its barley plebiscite, saying the vote on the Canadian Wheat Board's future is riddled with errors.

    In a letter sent to Agriculture Minister Chuck Strahl, Wowchuk said the controversial three-question ballot, votes that can be traced back to the farmer and the fact some producers will be allowed to vote more than once, has made a mockery of the plebiscite.

    "The ballot question and voting process for your vote has caused concern for many producers," Wowchuk wrote in the letter sent Friday.

    "I feel that the vote has now been compromised to the extent that it does not satisfy the federal government's requirements to consult with producers and will not yield clear results."

    In an interview Monday, Wowchuk said she hopes her letter convinces Strahl to go back to the drawing board with his barley plebiscite.

    But Strahl's office made clear the Tories aren't about to change course with the plebiscite of some 80,000 barley producers who have to have their ballots postmarked by March 13".

    Somebody needs to tell Rosann Wowchuk that there is a difference between a PLEBISCITE and LEGISLATION.


    Yes, as a Manitoban farmer I am ashamed that we (farmers) have someone like Rosann representing agriculture in Manitoba. The number of ballots that we recieved (2)are no different than what she sent out in her bly vote or the CWB director elections.



      Wowchuk doesn't understand the difference between leadership and management.

      Minister Strahl provides leadership by heading in the right direction, in other words,


      (making sure the CWB can no longer jail farmers for selling what they grow)

      KPMG, et al and all the bureaucrats who have been in the Department of Agriculture and the CWB , for years and years and years and years are the MANAGEMENT and their job is to see that management is


      Doing the right thing<>doing the thing right.

      Hopefully the Wowchuk moment will pass shortly.




        I really appreciate the fact that each ballot had the requirement to have the "producer" sign off that they were voting once and were eligible.

        This is not the case with CWB Ballots for the Director elections.


          Every time minister Wowchuk opens her mouth i cringe.


            It only took a day for the media to drop the story. They are hurting for stories, but not hurting that bad.


              I think you guys are being sexist in your attacks on mz Wowchuck.We ladies should only have to take so much.Especially you parsley.Guys like you need a good SPANKING.

              But Rosie and I arent into that.We'll get the Human Rights people of ours after you.



                I once had a weird dream (nightmare) that Rosie was giving me a real good spanking.

                I'll never mixed Tequila, Southern Comfort and Merlot again.


                  The state has no business in A.S. Bedroom!!


                    The state also has no business in A.S.'s grain marketing.

                    A.S.: What were you smokin' in Jamaica mon? That is just sick.


                      However,the state DOES have a place in the GRANARIES of the nation.It is there that Rosie,Agstar etc can really live out there BONDAGE fantasies.

                      Imagine;the chains,the whips,leather.I've seen farmers coming into courtrooms all chains top to bottom.I'll bet cotten is a DOMINATRIX like me,oral abuse and all.

                      Be still your heart,Vader,thinking about Andy Mcmechan going through 57 cavity searches.I know where you power types are really (coming) from.


                        Oh bring it on WW!!!


                          The Hon. R Wowchuk doesnot worry about the farmer until she goes to get elected evert 3-4 years. She is only concerned about all the CWB employees and their paychecks and what it does for the NDP Budget. I am sure she would like to see more bonus's paid so that they have some more money to put in the Manitoba coffers.


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