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Corn down, Fransico's mood up!

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    Corn down, Fransico's mood up!

    Well Franny, looks like its going to be cheaper for you to feed your pigs with corn futures tanking... barley sure to follow as you had hoped for.

    By the way, trying to "out" Vader shows how little class you have even though Vader has provided his true identity on this site long ago.

    Also, I must ask what is your fixation with spelling? We're you once crowned the "Spelling B Champion" in grade 5?

    Who cares if we dont use spell check before we submit a post? Who are you to judge one's aptitude? Should I ask you how many university degrees (Aggie "certs" not included) do you have?

    I think Vader has you beat in the higher education field by a long shot.

    Anyways, grammar and public speaking is more important than a spelling error. Wouldn't it be beneath me to attack you on your lack of public speaking skills, or your overuse of cliches in written material?

    I would never comment on your over-use of "uhs", "huhs", "mmms", "you-knows" throughout your presentations.

    This isn't that platform or place for me to tell you that you need to practice these skills, or advise you that your last radio interview was painful to listen too with all these pauses.

    Afterall this is supposed to be a place to discuss marketing strategies.

    So let's start again. What is your opinion on new crop oriental mustard and low cadnium durum prices? Where is the market going, should I lock in some production, how much should I lock in? How do I hedge Durum prices, even the US doesnt have a Durum futures, why is that? Where is the liquidity? Maybe I should take a parallel hedge in the in the US HRS market to protect my Avonlea durum production? What is my risk in doing so? How many more tonnes of oats do the US millers need to price before they are covered for the first half of 2007 -08? What will happen to oat basis levels once they are covered? Will Scandinavian oats flood the US this fall? Will oats continue to trade at tradtional spreads to corn even though corn has been following energy markets lately?

    Is biodiesel and ethanol fizzling? What has happened to the corn markets lately? What is the 2007-08 corn ending stocks going to be, is this is a big deal with respect to corn prices this coming year?

    Can you provide some of your intellectual insight?

    It seems you are dominating the posts in this thread intended for "COMMODITY MARKETING".

    Or is it back to your "anti-commie", "free-market, freedom fighter stories and cliches"?

    I would love to here frans responces to those questions.


      I have been reading the coments on this site ,mostly pro choice bly and although I am a small producer and in favor of the CWB I am not to proud to take my little bit of Bly and head on down to montana in the fall and get all that yankey money in my pocket and just keep on going and there should be lots left to come back in the spring and do it all over again. But failing this turn of goodfortune is there some where I can get a little cash to start again.


        The answer is...yes.


          The importance of punctuation:

          a) A woman, without her man, is nothing.
          b) A woman; without her, man is nothing.

          You can't express your ideas effectively if you don't stick to the rules of language. Put another way, stray from the rules at the risk you may be misunderstood.


            As to my predictions.

            I have gazed deep into the wondrous technical details of the charts.

            I have studied the in and outs and twists and turns of the supply and demand fundamentals.

            I have surveyed the unbridled political landscape and measured the willpower of governments all over the world.

            And I have come to the following conclusion. Of which I am 100%
            certain and can sum up with one, single, simple, solitary, little word.

            The markets will...


              Which incidentally is also my prediction when it comes to weather.


                Does anyone want to take any bets that I'm wrong?


                  Weak,very weak.


                    Fransico, Why is it that the words, phoney, fraud, knothead, loudmouth, pipsqueak, scumbag, loser, twit, fool, keep running around in my head, when I read your knowledge and advice relative to framing. Vader is Flaman, vader is Flaman, Vader is Flaman!!!


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