You Said: "Tom4cwb, I would think, before throwing the bible into an argument, about being certain that the words aren't a two edged sword. Perhaps "When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom"
Who is confiscating the property of whom?
Please explain why defending the oppressed... that the CWB "majority" takes advantage; of is wrong?
Where does the Bible say anywhere CWB "Single Desk" pooling is for the wise... and people who are not fearful... who need the opportunity to look after their own affairs... are fools?
You Said: "Tom4cwb, I would think, before throwing the bible into an argument, about being certain that the words aren't a two edged sword. Perhaps "When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom"
Who is confiscating the property of whom?
Please explain why defending the oppressed... that the CWB "majority" takes advantage; of is wrong?
Where does the Bible say anywhere CWB "Single Desk" pooling is for the wise... and people who are not fearful... who need the opportunity to look after their own affairs... are fools?