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Who's lying, Harper or Ritter?

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    Harp is fibbing, cause he's a politico, and thats what they do, or at least waffling cause they don't know what to do. Am I right or am I right, read it and weep duds! The fate of the government rests on barley and wheat, heck a lot of the public doesn't know the difference between the two grains. Huge issue, I don't think so. The drone speech is just that, nothing, to get really, really, really excited about!


      Remember when Ritter was first elected to the CWB board of directors. He was elected as a dual marketer. Was he telling the truth then? Is he telling the truth today?



        Being short on my wheat basis by $70/t is not a laughing matter... it is criminal. That $70/t is 100% of the profit on those acres... and the CWB is either keeping it for themselves... or more likely giving it to some multi-national instead of "designated area" growers.

        Your beloved Borg is digging their grave... at warped speed!

        If this is your wish/intent and true desire... so be it.


          Incog......another call today.......guess it`s on for sure now!877-554-2106


            Burbert - You want the truth?!

            FACT: March 28th, the day the plebiscite results were announced - non-CWB feed barley in Alberta was $0.43/bu BELOW Montana feed barley (farmgate prices)

            FACT: In the days and weeks following the announcement that the Conservatives would provide Choice, Alberta cash prices rose RELATIVE TO MONTANA prices to a high of about $0.76/bu ABOVE Montana prices.

            FACT: Since the court challenge returned CWB "authority" over barley, Alberta cash prices have plummeted to a point where they are now $1.87/bu BELOW Montana prices.

            The best way to cut through the noise of market factors is to look at important relationships - spreads - like this. Relative to Montana prices, Alberta prices dropped a total of $2.63/bu and the only reason is that a fundamental change occurred to inhibit the two markets from arbitraging.

            Did the return of the CWB to the barley market have a negative impact on prices?

            It's non-debatable. Of course it did.

            Did Harper lie? Of course not.

            Did Ritter lie? I don't think so. If you comment about something that you are ill-equipped to do so, or you don't understand what it is that you're talking about, you're not lying. You're just a silly idiot.


              Did harper lie about income trusts?

              Is it possible for harper to say one thing and do another?


                Well, Cotton, is it possible for a government to campaign on one platform of ideas and then find out that they aren't good ideas afterward? When companies like Telus start becoming income trusts to avoid taxes, then you have to question the wisdom of the initial campaign promise.

                I'd rather see good decision making, no matter how politically damaging they are because the alternative is to damage our country.

                Does anyone remember the hundreds of millions it cost the taxpayer for the Liberals to back out on helicopter contracts because they stupidly promised to cancel them in an election campaign? With all the broken promises in the red book, that was one that should have been broken.

                Leadership is doing what's right no matter what the personal consequences. It's the difference between leading solely to remain in power, and leading for the benefit of the citizens of the country. It may take time, but I trust Harper will do what we voted for eventually. It won’t do any of us any good for him to ram try to ram something through parliament, get defeated, and then end up with the Liberals again. (Because we can pretty well guess what will happen to market choice if that happens)



                  Good Points!

                  I seem to remember the Liberals and a promise to end the GST... don't you?

                  That certainly did not stop them from getting re-elected!

                  Canadians are very forgiving people... the fact the CWB still has a monopoly... is positive proof!


                    It's very debatable . Considering corn has also fallen in the U.S. Under your logic ,that could be blamed on the court decision also.


                      One interesting thing is the perception of the corporation in Canada - second only that a strong dollar is a good thing as people who collect a wage cheer every time the dollar goes up.

                      That there is a benefit to Canadians by lowering corporate tax. There isn't, in fact the opposite is true.

                      Corporations were designed to eliminate personal responsibility and to simply make money. All actions are to benefit the shareholder, and only the shareholder, not the environment, not the general public, etc.

                      The CWB shareholder is the government, not farmers. Technically Harper is the shareholder of the CWB. This is why there is the Act for the CWB. Wal_Mart or Shell do not have their own Act. The less the CWB needs or drains from the government the better the corporation is doing.

                      Is Ritter lying to the farmers? Doesn't matter, he is not corporately accountable to the farmers, only the Act and the government! You can't compare the CWB with a normal company, because it isn't.


                        Agstar: If you think my logic can be used to blame the court decision for lower corn prices, either you (1) don't understand what I wrote, (2) don't understand how grain markets work, or, like Ritter, are simply blind to anything that makes the Royal Canadian Wheat Board look bad and will do whatever it takes to discredit the source.

                        Or maybe this explains why you support the CWB so much. You can't make sense out of some very simple and obvious market influences so there's no wonder you want someone else to do your marketing for you.

                        Ask any barley merchant or trader in Western Canada - "Why did you drop your cash price for domestic feed barley on Aug 1 of this year?" And then ask "Why was it such a large drop in price"? I'll bet a whole case of Johnny Walker Green Label that they won't say, "Because the corn price dropped".

                        What is so bloody sacred about the CWB that you can't even consider its shortcomings?



                          I found your comment on corn interesting. Corn prices are actually up since July 31. Dec. corn on July 31 - $3.36. Close Friday - $3.70. A 10 % rise. To be fair, this is the top and bottom of the trading range over the past month.

                          Western barley over the same period has shifted from $176/tonne to Friday's close of $189. Will note the run at $220/tonne in the middle of the time period grain companies were out aggressively sourcing export feed barley. Western barley futures is pretty much trading landed US corn price versus international feed barley prices. You can evaluate this by looking at international feed barley prices as reflected by Montana versus local prices.



                          http://www.wheatgrowers.ca/pdf/media_releases/2007/Oct-19-07_CWBContinuestoSpreadFalseInformationBarley.pdf See graphs page 2.

                          An interesting comment with nothing to do with the original topic of the thread but selling feed barley will be like ice fishing this winter. Periods of boredom/lower prices as local feed barley prices sink to corn floor price followed by excitement as the grain companies/the CWB package a 75,000 tonne or so panamax sale to Saudi Arabia etal for camel feed.


                            The way the CWB operates it is much like if you were being controlled by communist country? Having to sell grain that you own thru a marketing board who is lining their pockets off of the grain we grow. Its not right. Does anybody think it was the big money Ritter is getting now that changed his mid about dual marketing?


                              Money is one thing for Ritter but ultimately he just follows the `little` head wherever it points!!!!!Started way back in Marengo school!!


                                Did you account for currency change?


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