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Watch your DPC's

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    Watch your DPC's

    I have DPC room left and was checking today.
    The price on CPSR is $8.42 after going limit up 2 day in Kansas and with deductions of $1.66 leaves me with $6.76 for #1 CPSR
    we are selling another increment today with a watch on Monday for possibly more.
    Anybody else selling?

    OUr DPC for HRS is 7.65 after freight still not the $8.40 thats in the USA but if it gets to $8.00 ours is gone!


      First time ever if it happens that we will get over $120,000 for spring wheat first 25% call.
      So even with the rest of the crop priced using the PRO $7.95- 1.70 EQUALS $6.25 at 75% of crop and $8.00 at rest $6.68 still a full $1.31 bellow the real market price on HRS. SOME ONE IS SKIMMING REALLY BIG!
      Farmers start asking questions, Also why is Eastern Politicians and Labour unions so set on keeping the CWB. JOBS JOBS JOBS and not FARMERS INTEREST>


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